I'm gonna switch salts going away from Brightwell Aquatics. Suggestions please


Active Member


THey are the local forum that encompasses many clubs around the area so they just do major events. There's usually 2 Frag Swaps a year hosted by them with speakers, etc held in Brooklyn. They don't do monthly events, that's the clubs, but almost all clubs in the area participate on that board.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///t/390192/im-gonna-switch-salts-going-away-from-brightwell-aquatics-suggestions-please/20#post_3454174
THey are the local forum that encompasses many clubs around the area so they just do major events. There's usually 2 Frag Swaps a year hosted by them with speakers, etc held in Brooklyn. They don't do monthly events, that's the clubs, but almost all clubs in the area participate on that board.
Can I crash that frag swap like I did with the one that was held at TFP?

My name is Krista and I admit that I am addicted.