i'm in wilmington, north carolina


is there anyone who can tell me of a fish store, a place to go fishing, a place to find live rock on the beach, place to go snorkeling, pretty much anything go do with the fishes.


There is a fish store named Pets + on Shipyard Blvd near a Harris Teeter. Also, another really great store is Tropical Paradise. I don't remember the street it is on (it is listed in the white pages of a phone book), but it is only open from 1pm - 6pm.


Originally Posted by velvetchs
There is a fish store named Pets + on Shipyard Blvd near a Harris Teeter. Also, another really great store is Tropical Paradise. I don't remember the street it is on (it is listed in the white pages of a phone book), but it is only open from 1pm - 6pm.
thank you


Tropical Paradise is on Wrightsville Avenue. The owner's name is John and he's a great guy once you get past his salwater snootiness:) I prefer to go to his store over all others in this town. He actually cares about his customers tanks.
Also, if you get a chance, visit the aquarium at Ft. Fisher


Originally Posted by Piscian
Tropical Paradise is on Wrightsville Avenue. The owner's name is John and he's a great guy once you get past his salwater snootiness:) I prefer to go to his store over all others in this town. He actually cares about his customers tanks.
Also, if you get a chance, visit the aquarium at Ft. Fisher

do u know what the address is cause it's not in the phone book like pets plus


Originally Posted by Piscian
2154 Wrightsville Avenue. It's in a little strip mall with "The Purple Groomery"
thankyou, i'll check it out tomorrow


i went to that fish place at 2154, and it was really nice inside but very expensive. for most of the fish they wanted at least double for what they cost in syracuse....they may be the going cost around here but i thought it would have been cheaper down here. for example they wanted 15 bucks per blue legged hermit crab which i can get for 20 for 15. but they were nice there.


Pretty much every place here is like that. I don't know why that is, but even Pets + is high. ***** is the only place that is relatively cheep, but I would never buy anything from there!


***** is really bad. One of their employees told me that at the end of the night is the only time they scoop out dead fish. You would think they wouldn't want people to see their tanks filled with ick and dead fish....
I don't think that Pets + is that high really. I would rather pay a little more to get one fish at a time than have to order almost $100 worth of fish that have to be shipped to me.


Don't get me wrong, I shop at Pets+. I just shop at Tropical Paradise more, because the people there are more knowledgable. I went to ***** this past weekend to pick up some dog food and I was absolutely horrified with their SW setup! They had 2 medium size tangs in a 15 gallon DT. They also had about 12 anemones of different types in a 10 gallon tank. I saw a dead fuzzy dwarf lionfish along with countless other dead fish. And none of their coral were opened up and looked on the verge of dying! They have as much business carrying SW items as Wal-Mart does!


I do a little of both actually:)
Just because we live at the beach, doesn't mean that we get any cheaper stuff than you do. We don't have any reefs near us either.


At *****, you must have missed the dogface puffer with ick so bad, it had only one eye. That place makes me so mad. I have just started my tank and plan to go very slow getting fish, so spending a little more once in a while, I'm alright with. I may try to do an order online in a few months.


I have a 46 gal bowfront. It has been setup for about 1 month. I have 2 yellow tailed damsels, 2 green chromis, 6 scarlet hermit crabs, and 3 snails. I did start the tank with tap water, before realizing that both Tropical Paradise and Pets + sold RO water, so when I did my water change, I bought RO water. I was going to have a fish only tank, but saw some beautiful live rock at Pets +, so I decided to start buyuing it. The crabs love the piece I bought.


I started with a 90 gallon reef a year ago. Then two months ago,I decided to start up a 10 gallon nano. Now I'm doing a 30 gallon high FOWLR. I'm doing this one slower than my other two though. I keep adding a piece of LR every two weeks.


is there a place to go where you can get rock out of the ocean? also those sea fleas aka sand crabs(at least that's what i knew them as when i was a kid) can they be put in a tank and if so what do they do for the sand?


I wouldn't put anything from the beach here in my tank. With all of the boats and other things in the ocean, I wouldn't want to contaminate my tank with harmful stuff. I'm not sure about the crabs. You might want to research them. They only have 1 large claw and it looks pointy to me.


New Member
My dad has a 300 gallon mixed reef tank and we have found tons of stuff to put in the tank on the floating docks at the yacht club. We feed our fish mainly shrimp, and there's tons there. There's also brittle stars, small crabs that are good to feed the fish because of the calcium and all that goodness in the shell, anemones of different sizes and colors, muscles that I love putting in his tank, hard corals that are harmless if you don't put them next to other corals, and many other cool things. Today we found a few striped hermit crabs, and although most people don't like them, we've had some that we bought from the store that are harmless. If you want to go down to the floating docks, go to right side of the bridge. Bring a bucket and a somewhat large net, but don't go crazy about that, and try to be invisible! We haven't gotten kicked off the docks yet, but it's important to be respectful of the docks. p.s: The black spider-like things that you will probably find down there are not poisonous, but don't keep them! Other than that, I hope I helped!