Im looking for an RO unit for under $100.


What is my best options for a RO under $100. I only have a 20g, but using tap water is really killing me. what would you guys recommend?


Well-Known Member
I would say your best bet is to wait a few more weeks using tap water and save another $100 to buy yourself a decent RO unit.
A few more weeks of using tap water isn't going to kill anything... just create some annoying algae, which can be dealt with through water changes, algae scrubbing and protein skimming, and turning the lights off for a period of time.


Well-Known Member
If you are really desperate to get some kind of filtration on your tap water ... go to walmart and buy a DI unit. The DI is a Deionization unit that will pull out some chemicals and phosphates from your water. They are cheap as well - and great when used in conjunction with the RO Unit that you want to purchase.


Well-Known Member
Nothing cheap in this hobby. Buy quality.
If you buy cheap, you get crap. Buy quality, you get quality.
If you want something to get you by, get a DI filter. Then later add an RO unit.


I understand that. But i asked "what is my least expensive option"? What it the least expensive unit I could get away with?


Air Water Ice makes a unit called Mighty's a small 50 gpd unit that runs $109
I am sure you can find a used one somewhere.....IDK.....I do know I like my unit from's the $139 unit


Active Member
Just did some quick work piecing together a unit for you.....I think you'd be hard pressed getting a unit for under $100......The parts I spec'd out for your unit is as I have it listed $128.74.
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The only thing missing is screws to attach the canisters to the Triple bracket, but you can get screws at Lowes or HomeDepot.....Also you'll need 1/4" water line, which you can also get the clear at Lowes or HomeDepot as well.