I'm Lost


Active Member
Yes, it's a discus. Any other discus keepers out there.
Actually, they need very acid water, below 7 better around 6.
Never had the nerve to keep them until I had my own ri/di.
Actually converted a reef tank into a discus tank for my wife.
Makes those expensive reef purchases easier, it you get my point


Hi there,
Discus are also very beautiful fish to keep. Some people say that it is hard to keep but as
soon as your tank is stable, everything will just go fine
In the beginning I had some problem to make my tank stable but after a month, I had no problem anymore. They grow quite fast and you will see how they develop more colours, etc...
I personally like my temp to be around 30.
Discus like acidic water.... but even if you cannot lower your ph, your discus will be just fine if you don't play with your ph. Try making a search on the internet and you will see that some discus breeders breed discus on a ph of 8+. Make some research and try looking for discus forum and do not hesitate to ask question.


Active Member
hold on discus are brackish i use to have cichlids and i know a guy that has a black convict in his salt tank? i also had a scat in my sw tank he was cool.lol