dive girl
You'll see.
I won a really cool 60 gallon setup from Marineland in a raffle!
I'd like to use it to upgrade my reef tank which is 30 gallons.
I know I'll need more rock and sand but I'd like to use the rock and sand in my 30 gallon. I also want the 60 gallon to go where the 30 gallon currently is. See; moving but not...
How do I transfer everything over and still have some time for aquascaping without killing my corals? If I move the sand and some of the rock I have over will I end up killing all the bacteria and little things that make it 'live' in a cycle?
I won a really cool 60 gallon setup from Marineland in a raffle!

I know I'll need more rock and sand but I'd like to use the rock and sand in my 30 gallon. I also want the 60 gallon to go where the 30 gallon currently is. See; moving but not...

How do I transfer everything over and still have some time for aquascaping without killing my corals? If I move the sand and some of the rock I have over will I end up killing all the bacteria and little things that make it 'live' in a cycle?