I'm moving but I'm not

dive girl

You'll see.
I won a really cool 60 gallon setup from Marineland in a raffle!
I'd like to use it to upgrade my reef tank which is 30 gallons.
I know I'll need more rock and sand but I'd like to use the rock and sand in my 30 gallon. I also want the 60 gallon to go where the 30 gallon currently is. See; moving but not...

How do I transfer everything over and still have some time for aquascaping without killing my corals? If I move the sand and some of the rock I have over will I end up killing all the bacteria and little things that make it 'live' in a cycle?

dive girl

I have an empty 10g, should I move the corals that I can over to it, fill it with the 30g tank water and put a powerhead in it? What other kind of filtration would I need to get though a week or two?


Well-Known Member

First CONGRATULATIONS you lucky ducky!
Now...first you need to mix up the saltwater you are going to need. Also get your rock, and cycle it if needed. Buy the extra sand....Fill the new tank with tap water just to test for any leaks...then dump that water. Have everything ready before you begin.
When the time comes...place fish in a tub and coral in another (use old tank water) an air stone or small powerhead in each tub to keep the water moving....also the rock in a tub with saltwater.
Add your premixed (24 hours at least) saltwater 1/2 in the new tank...Put in rock first, then sand, place your powerheads and set up your filtration, add any old tank water you have left and finish filling the tank...after everything settles (2-4 hours):
Add the fish and coral by acclimating them...since you are using your cured rock and live sand you should have no new cycle.
This is an all day job...so be rested and have everything set up before you begin and it SHOULD go smoothly. Set up may take a few weeks but the move can be done in a single day.

dive girl

Thanks for the info. I was hoping not to have to do it in one day. That way I could do the aquascaping and then look at it with fresh eyes the next day to see if I like where everything is at. I guess I'll just have to be decisive!

dive girl

Okay, everything (except corals) has been transfered over. Because of the cloudiness of the water, I couldn't see to get the corals in. Tomorrow afternoon I'll acclimate them and start to transfer them over.
Thanks for your help Flower!!