Im MOving Help


Is it safe to suck up my sand bed and transfer it along with the water into jugs??? And is it safe to do a 50% water change?
The rocks and fish im gonna put in a cooler


Active Member
Yes you can scoop out the sand and put it in a container. I just moved form a 60 to a 125 in my house, You will be surprised how much dirt is in the sand. I will try and find the thread that I posted about the move if you would like?


New Member
A buddy of mine gave me his tank. Its 125. how did the transfer go? Any complications?


You might wanna check with your LFS if you have a good relationship with them and see if they will hold your livestock for a few days while you are setting up your tank in your new place. Sometimes they will have a fee but it's worth makeing your set up right from the start and not haveing to worrie about your live stock. I have done more than a 50% water change and there was some complications but I don't think I lost anything but my stress level. But if necessary you can get away with it every now and then.