I'm new and have a question?


New Member
Ok, I just bought my new 100 gallon saltwater tank on Sat. I brought it home and set it up with live sand, live rock and salkt water. My question is how long will it be before it is not cloudy? I mean it is so bad you can barely see the sand and the outline of a few rocks. Also do i need to rinse off the filters so they will work better or just leave them alone?


Active Member
it may take a few days to clear. you are running filters. I would turn them off, and let the tank settle for a day. rince out your filters so the sand does not ruin them. it will settle down.


Wecome to the boards
I agree with Theresa above, let the tank settle for a couple of days(mine took 3 days) then turn the filters back on. Good Luck :happyfish :happyfish


If you washed the sand before adding it to the tank, it might take a few days to clear.. I washed my sand before adding it and it was 5 days before the water cleared.. Leave the filters off and sit back....


Active Member
You can also put washrags in the filters in place of media and change them every few hours..Not the easiest way to do it..