I'm new and have questions


I got this live rock 6 days ago its been in the tank starting to cycle there is alot of growth on the rock and looks to be more then the rock I see in other tanks. Will the rock eventualy settle with less growth?



Active Member
Welcome to the boards. It looks like you have a pretty good start. As to growth on a newly introduced rock , it is like someone else said. Just the difference from rock to rock. Some of it may die off some may grown into something. It is all neat to watch as time passes. For months you will stare just to see something new everyday if you are like the way I was.
I have taken hundreds and hundreds of shots from the time I set up initially. I think looking back at them over the years is one of the best ways to encourage yourself to always look for ways to eventually have that dream piece of the ocean right there at home........ Keep taking shots and enjoy this time in the learning experience - new obsession...... Good Luck.............


obsession is not the word, I never though that I would look at a pile of rocks so much. I can't wait for the tank to come alive


Active Member
Just take your time. Thats a nice setup. How is the seaclone skimmer working for ya. I have one but mine tank is not quite set up. Still working on pieceing it together. Nice lights and good luck.


Active Member
I love that rock. Try checking it out at night with a flashlight. You will be surprised. Also don't let your amm. go above 1 and you'll have a better chance of more things living.


alright I did a water change yesterday and here are the stats of the tank today
Alk 2.4-2.8
Ammonia 3.0
Nitrite .2
Nitrate 5
i didnt another 25% water change after these readings. any thought on getting the ammonia at 1.5 or less durring the cycle?


Active Member
Originally Posted by sthlts
alright I did a water change yesterday and here are the stats of the tank today
Alk 2.4-2.8
Ammonia 3.0
Nitrite .2
Nitrate 5
i didnt another 25% water change after these readings. any thought on getting the ammonia at 1.5 or less durring the cycle?
The ammonia numbers are part of the natural process of die off . It is to be expected..... A partial change will drop it some but will not eliminate the issue.......... It has to run its course....... The numbers now will have killed off some of any LR critters but some will survive too. So for right now save youself some salt..........
The ammonia will drop naturally as it is converted into nitrites then later nitrates. If it where me I would watch a few days to see how much they change ..... For now sit back and dream... and maybe make some water for when all the nitrites are gone , then do some PC's.......
After that we can address some of the other prams too..........There is more fun just around the corner to tackle, like the first diatom outbreak and that first hair algae one too!!!!!! We having fun yet???


Thanks for the help. Everyone that has insite is great. My wife thinks I'm a nut so at least I know there are other nuts out there.....lol


Active Member
My wife thinks I'm a nut.................................
Par for that course........ Wait till several years have past!!!! Mine calls my tank "that @^&*! endless money pit!!!!!!!!!! Wait till she gives it a name!!! LOL............ Warren


Active Member
alkalinity up, die off goes down lol. I've told you this a bunch already.
sometimes you just have to trade in wives for the newer, younger, more understanding model...


Active Member
Yeah I agree with rotarymagic. Trade in the wife. The tank wont nag you. But it still has honey do list. So we are never free from that one lol. Good luck on the tank looks good so far.


Active Member
Hey, I'm a wife.
I had to get my dh involved with the tank so I wouldn't get in trouble with spending so much. Get her looking at the fish and watch "Finding Nemo" and "Shark Tales".
