I'm new to the board- just a couple pics


New Member
Hi Everyone,
I'm am new to the boards. I have had my 55GL tank for a little over 2 years. We do not have any corals, just live rock/inverts/fish. We have yet to venture in that direction, but hope to in the future.
We have snails, hermits, emerald crab, fire shrimp, decorator crab.
For fish we have:
-Baby snowflake eel ( yes I know he will get to big for my tank, we will be exchanging him for credit some point in the near future)
-Tilefish ( any help as to his exact kind would be great?)
-Gold Strip Maroon clown hosting a bubbletip anemone
-Coral Beauty
-Sailfin Tang ( I know the tang will get very large, we will be upgrading to a larger tank when we purchase a house in the next year or so)
-Bi Color Blenny
Here are a few pics they aren't great but they will have to do for now:
Our Tank:


Maroon & Salfin:



Emerald crab & Fire Shrimp:

What kind of algae is this?????????? We love it, but have no idea what it is:

Thanks of any comments of IDs


New Member
No he doesnt, but we know he will when he gets bigger, so we are trading him in. Yes some of the pics have green hair algae which is now FINALLY GONE. Some of the pics are from a month or two ago, and now we have none.
Thanks god, it took forever to get rid of.


New Member
We didn't use any supplements, and we don't have any specialized lighting. I think we just got some really good rock. We love our rock. We have had a lot of problems for about a year and a half with green hair algae, and keeping our PH up. But for the last 6 months our tank has really done well with all of the levels, and the hair algae finally dissapearing.

tx reef

Active Member
You should look in to getting some better lighting pretty quick. That BTA will slowly die without better lighting.


New Member
I know I should know, but what is BTA?
And thanks for the suggestions. I am scared about adding more live rock, and how it would affect the tank.
The tank is a 55gl long-48L 18W 24H I believe.


New Member
Sorry just learning the lingo. We have had the bubble tip for over 2 years, and it has actually grown so much. He actually has 2 mouths now and is about to split.
Thanks so much for the advice though.
I am very confused by the more complex lighting. What are the best options for me?