i'm new to this

i had my tank for about 8 weeks and my fish are doing good i hope.. if there is anything esle that i should know about please let me know

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
i learn something new everyday, its just not about keeping fish alive. Search and read old posts on this board.
Good Luck

the claw

Active Member
Welcome to the hobby. You shoudl probably start focusing your research on Maintenance. (Waterchanges, additives etc.) If you have more specific questions then please ask. One of the most helpful things is for you to give us specifics about your tank. Fish only, FOWLR, etc. Its also good to know all of your water parameters if you are having problems. Nitrates, Ph, Specific gravity, etc.

Originally posted by The Claw
Welcome to the hobby. You shoudl probably start focusing your research on Maintenance. (Waterchanges, additives etc.) If you have more specific questions then please ask. One of the most helpful things is for you to give us specifics about your tank. Fish only, FOWLR, etc. Its also good to know all of your water parameters if you are having problems. Nitrates, Ph, Specific gravity, etc.

thanks so much i will come to you if i need help

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
forgot to welcome you to the board, lots of good info on here. Feel free to ask anything there are no dumb questions.


I have only had my tank set up for 9 months so I am fairly new to saltwater myself but I have learned alot off this board.


Well-Known Member
welcome to the board.
if you have been running 8 weeks and the fish are in good shape, then there is nothing more you need to know. Just keep doint whatever you are doing.