im new


Active Member

Originally posted by anenome123
thanks a lot.! btw whats the difference between live sand and normal sand. and should i use fake plants?

There are varying types of live sand. The stuff they sell in bags at the pet store has some bacteria on it that will make your tank cycle faster. As some others have said, live rock will serve this purpose just as well, and will spread the bacteria to the "dead" sand you put in.
Many vendors of live rock have another type of live sand available that is harvested from the ocean floor and kept in holding tanks with good filtration and air. This kind of live sand has not only bacteria but also small animals that stir the sand and eat debris. This is the best kind of live sand, but not truely necessary to run a tank. If you can find an experienced reefer near you who got this kind of sand in the past, just a cup of his/her sand may be enough to seed this kind of life in your tank too.
For the base sand, the important thing is that it be right both chemically and in texture. You want a very fine sand that is made of calcium carbonate (aragonite). The SouthDown Play Sand is the cheapest source, available at Home Depots in the Northeast USA. They're not allowed to sell it for aquarium use though, so don't get chatty with the staff. If you're not in the northeast, the next best thing is CaribSea Aragonite Aragamax Oolitic sand. This actually comes from the same mining operation as the SouthDown, but is authorized for aquarium usage and costs more. Next in preferance is any aragonite in a fine grain, next any playsand that doesn't stick to a magnet. Aragonite is white, and fizzes in pool acid, if you need to identify it.


Tank- $25
Stand- $40
Lid- $20
Lights- depend anywhere from $30-$150
heater- $10
powerheads- $20
skimmer- $70
sand- $30
live rock- $100
having fun looking at your tank when it is done...... price less lol

j trigger

Manadrins eat pods... You would need at least 100lbs of LR to have a manadrin. And you should wait at least 6 months so your tank has time to be established and grow pods.
BTW, your not gonna fit 100lbs of LR into a 20g :)


in case any one hasn't mentioned this yet u can probly get yur sand for about 5$ if yur lucky. Get some play sand from home depot and if yur lfs lets people take cups or if u have a friend who doesn't mind u can grap a cup of live snad from them and then sprinkle it over yur snad and it will spread to the base sand.


To save yourself the trouble just buy a bigger tank when you get a chance that way you wont have any problems trying to house big fish in a little tank.


Active Member

Originally posted by JULIUS
To save yourself the trouble just buy a bigger tank when you get a chance that way you wont have any problems trying to house big fish in a little tank.

If you can't afford the bigger tank now, can you guarrentee you'll be able to afford it before the fish outgrows his current one? If you start out with compatable fish and tank, you don't have to re-do everything later.


Active Member

Originally posted by JULIUS
You cant say that anything possible, he could win the lottery of inherit some $$$$$$.

You can always upgrade your tank and buy bigger fish after you win the lottery. That doesn't mean you want to count on winning the lottery.