I'm Not Ordering Online Again


where i live the lfs do not have much saltwater livestock or eqip. so i drive 1hr to a place that sells online they have anything you want or need .that way i get online prices and no shipping


Active Member
I agree with stargazer. There is a place 70 miles from my house that I've heard great things about. They also distribute online. I would definitely drive an hour or two for a specimen I can observe and select myself. Saving a little money here and there doesn't make sense if the poor guy is going to end up dying anyway. I would possibly order the more hardy fellows online, though. :yes:


I have been noticing that one side of my brand new lights is much hotter than the other. i turned the white lights off first tonight and then before i turned the blue off i noticed only one side had fans. I ordered this 48" aqualight online about 2 weeks about and my tank has been set up for about 7 days. Needless to say i am very angry.:mad:


New Member

Originally posted by 007
Have you ever been i outside in weather where its so cold that your nose hairs freeze as you inhale and your ears burn? THATS what it feels like outside today!

That gave me one heck of a good laugh there. They have issued a 'winter weather advisery' tonight here for north Alabama and the temps are hovering right around 30. People here flooded the grocery stores buying up bread and milk like we were going to be iced/snowed in for a week. I never understood that anyway. They plan to dip the bread in milk for a meal? I mean, slap a piece of bologna in there somewhere or something. Sheesh.
Stay warm 007.

the gman

New Member
Online is the way to go, at the LFS there is always that one ugly, nasty infected fish that nobody buys and gives a good dose of the crud to all the new mates. My SWF.com fish were in pristene condition.
As far as prices go, ya there are a few places that show prices $5 lower than SWF.com , BUT look at their shipping policy. $29 - $39 for shipping then tack on another $20 handling charge. You idiots know who you are!!!!!
I agree with the other post as far as the bigger problem is with Fed-Up. My SWF.com box got throw so hard it had a leak in my Pearlscale Butterly bag. The box had a dent in the corner. The outside of the box was wet which meant that is was in the truck on the side because the syrofoam lid seal is way up high. WHAT PART OF "THIS SIDE UP" DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND!
After a long slow acclimation though, my Pearlscale is a real beauty. Real nice size and is eating a variety of food, and Pearlscales are a little on the delicate side.


Active Member

Originally posted by saltywhit67
I have been noticing that one side of my brand new lights is much hotter than the other. i turned the white lights off first tonight and then before i turned the blue off i noticed only one side had fans. I ordered this 48" aqualight online about 2 weeks about and my tank has been set up for about 7 days. Needless to say i am very angry.:mad:

I think you may have the same lights that I have. There is only one fan. The fan exhausts air which comes from the air intake at the other end of the light fixture. The fan only operates when the white lights are on. This fixture works well with only one fan.



Originally posted by 007
Have you ever been i outside in weather where its so cold that your nose hairs freeze as you inhale and your ears burn? THATS what it feels like outside today!

We in california consider 65 degree's cold
got to give it to you folks... that is extreme temperture


New Member
That brings up a question that I have. I don't have a tank yet, and am just starting to look into it. (I've wanted one for about 15 years.) I know that it's a lot more work than freshwater, and want to be sure I have a good understanding of the time and financial commitment I'd be getting into before I begin.
One of my concerns is making sure that I can find a place that I trust to purchase fish. The couple places I've gone so far both had dead fish in their tanks (1 place had 3, the other had 1.) Is a dead fish necessarily a red flag for the entire store, or just that type? I would have liked to at least see a sign that the other fish in the tank were not for sale...Any suggestions on how to weed out the not-so-great stores, and find a really good one? I looked in the yellow pages hoping to find a pet store that specialized in fish, but couldn't find one. (I'm in CT...)
Thanks for any advice!!!


Hey jimang what color is your pistol shrimp? Is it a tiger or bullseye? I want to get one from here but I want the tiger.