nm reef
Active Member
...to post a 6-pack of my fish only system. Most times I pop open a few fresh ones in the reef forum and tend to neglect my humble 'lil fish only system. The reef is extremely more diverse...but I truely like the appearence and selection in my fish only...I like both equally but in different ways!
Some folks may become irrate about the selection of fish...but this system seems to me at least to have reached a balance and is very stable.In time the individual fish may indeed become too large...but until then(if then) I honestly believe they will continue to thrive in their current environment.
I'm aware of the range of comments and critizism...but I firmly believe that the potential and possibilities of developing a marine system are virtually limitless. Some additions are indeed reckless and unwise...and can result in severe problems. I've seen all the fuss and arguement about keeping certain species in only certain size displays. Truth is for most a tang in a 58 gal display may not be a good choice. But I have a yellow tang that is over 2 years old... alive and well in this 58...he is healthy and shows no sign of stress or any other problems. He lives with a 2 year old condy anonome....plus a niger trigger(6 months old)...a formosa wrasse that is about 2 years old & rapidly changing to adult coloration...a single percula...and the runt.....my pygmy angel. The primary clean-up crew is 30 or so turbos(they are not bothered by my trigger and/or wrasse)...but any shrimp or crab stands little chance to survive!At one time this system had numerous worms...but they are severely reduced as were the scarlets by the formosa wrasse and probably by the trigger also. Snails seem to be not on the current menu...and there continues to be a diverse pod population that to this point seems unaffected by the predators.
Filtration consists of 50-60 lbs of Fiji live rock and a 6" DSB of assorted aragonite type sands(even about 20 lbs of playsand)...a hang on filter for now & then carbon application(plus additional circulation)...3 Maxi-Jet powerheads...and a CPR BacPac2r skimmer....lighting is a measely 2x30 watts of como NO lamps & a single 40 watt NO lamp....this lil display is virtually maintenance free and requires only a simple 10gal water change about once a month...weekly cleaning of the filter & skimmer...and absolutely no additives of any kind.
Before I show a few pics I know that this situation may not be a wise set-up for most folks...and I know that the combination of elements in my fish only "could" contribute to serious problems...and "no" I would not suggest that anybody/everybody develope a system based on what I have. I'm also well aware of the negative attitude/comments leveled at systems such as mine. But this I also know...this system is stable/mature/thriving and in my opinion thriving...it can be done...and the pics below show that it "is" being done with success to this point. But I should agree that to do this requires care and experience and a willingness to keep the system balanced and under control.
Enough of the talk.....enjoy the low quality pics!
The first pic is of the center of the rock formation...I intentionally have numerous caves and crevices thru-out the rock work and this one is front center. Not spectacular but kind of kewl I thought.
Some folks may become irrate about the selection of fish...but this system seems to me at least to have reached a balance and is very stable.In time the individual fish may indeed become too large...but until then(if then) I honestly believe they will continue to thrive in their current environment.
I'm aware of the range of comments and critizism...but I firmly believe that the potential and possibilities of developing a marine system are virtually limitless. Some additions are indeed reckless and unwise...and can result in severe problems. I've seen all the fuss and arguement about keeping certain species in only certain size displays. Truth is for most a tang in a 58 gal display may not be a good choice. But I have a yellow tang that is over 2 years old... alive and well in this 58...he is healthy and shows no sign of stress or any other problems. He lives with a 2 year old condy anonome....plus a niger trigger(6 months old)...a formosa wrasse that is about 2 years old & rapidly changing to adult coloration...a single percula...and the runt.....my pygmy angel. The primary clean-up crew is 30 or so turbos(they are not bothered by my trigger and/or wrasse)...but any shrimp or crab stands little chance to survive!At one time this system had numerous worms...but they are severely reduced as were the scarlets by the formosa wrasse and probably by the trigger also. Snails seem to be not on the current menu...and there continues to be a diverse pod population that to this point seems unaffected by the predators.
Filtration consists of 50-60 lbs of Fiji live rock and a 6" DSB of assorted aragonite type sands(even about 20 lbs of playsand)...a hang on filter for now & then carbon application(plus additional circulation)...3 Maxi-Jet powerheads...and a CPR BacPac2r skimmer....lighting is a measely 2x30 watts of como NO lamps & a single 40 watt NO lamp....this lil display is virtually maintenance free and requires only a simple 10gal water change about once a month...weekly cleaning of the filter & skimmer...and absolutely no additives of any kind.
Before I show a few pics I know that this situation may not be a wise set-up for most folks...and I know that the combination of elements in my fish only "could" contribute to serious problems...and "no" I would not suggest that anybody/everybody develope a system based on what I have. I'm also well aware of the negative attitude/comments leveled at systems such as mine. But this I also know...this system is stable/mature/thriving and in my opinion thriving...it can be done...and the pics below show that it "is" being done with success to this point. But I should agree that to do this requires care and experience and a willingness to keep the system balanced and under control.
Enough of the talk.....enjoy the low quality pics!
The first pic is of the center of the rock formation...I intentionally have numerous caves and crevices thru-out the rock work and this one is front center. Not spectacular but kind of kewl I thought.