Im officially bored with reef...


Active Member

Originally posted by The Croc Hunter
Actually, someone I work with ALREADY bought the whole thing...
That was fast!
Guess there is no turning back now :)


Active Member
oh darn i stopped readin at the point were you said you wee sellin point and never went back sorry and thanx anyways


Active Member
You wont be bored with Discus, its been a while since I have kept them (20 years) all I remember is they were very hard to keep..I'm sure things are easier now, just like SW.
FWIW, I think its a good choice, good luck.


Active Member
ive never seen these things b4 does anyone know where i can find out what these things look like i just want to know


discus are great fish...i had a 90g tank with 7 of them in there...just them with tons of plants. No need for tetras, they just bring disease into the tank. What i did have with them was a freshwater stingray. Very cool i might add!! Really added a lot to the tank. Pigeon bloods and the cobalt blues are def. my favorite.
I hope you like doing water changes...because you will be doing a lot of them if you want to keep them healthy and growing!
It was such an awesome tank, but i had to get rid of everything when i started up college. Hated doing that...but im young and plan on having saltwater and freshwater fish my entire life.


what are u using for cleaning. any cat's/ gotta love those pictus's. What kind of tetra's and how many disus's are u going to have? i think that the royal reds and red turquoises are the best but thats just my big will yur tank be? I only have a 10 gallon right now and i absolutely love it. And i also got it for about 75$ with everything. get the discus's first because the tetra's die off quick in a new tank. do not get neons or cardinals. also maybe go with some cory cats. don't get PAnda's. Good luck !
I was thinking of a 35 gal. tank, with 3 or 4 discus, maybe 10 tetras, some exotic plecos, amd maybe some of those chinese algae eaters.... Thats just a semi-plan though now :)


Active Member
Croc Hunter, may I give you my opinion about the algae eaters. I would not get them, I have had more troubles with these fast crazy fish zipping all over the tank and also sucking on the fish :mad:
Go with a nice bristlenose for your cleaning, these fish are great. They don't get more than 5" and I love mine. If you want a male make sure it has the bristles on the nose the females do not. If you put two in there they might get a bit aggressive towards one another unless you have their own ends to guard and lots of wood and rock for them to hide out in.
What type of tetras are you looking at getting?
Good luck hey! Keep us posted

fishy411, why do you say don't get panda cory cats? Just curious, I was thinking about getting some.
Debbie :happyfish :happyfish
Will a bristlenose clean algae like the chinese algae eaters do??
Im not even sure what a bristlenose IS.. At first, i was thinking bushy nose pleco.. but thats not it, is it??


Active Member
Yes that is it. Mine does an awesome job on my 25 gal. I don't see any algae at all in mine. For the small areas they might have difficulties but I don't have any algae at all.
They are cool looking too, my only concern with the algae eaters is the might taking a liking to the discus as they have a secreation their bodies produce. Try them but watch very very closley, if they do this to the discus the fish will become ill in a very short time.
If you pass along your email to me I can send you a discus forum I belong to and they have a wealth of info there


chinese algae eaters only eat algae as juveniles. they can become aggressive w/ size and age.



Originally posted by Debbie
Croc Hunter, may I give you my opinion about the algae eaters. I would not get them, I have had more troubles with these fast crazy fish zipping all over the tank and also sucking on the fish :mad:
Go with a nice bristlenose for your cleaning, these fish are great. They don't get more than 5" and I love mine. If you want a male make sure it has the bristles on the nose the females do not. If you put two in there they might get a bit aggressive towards one another unless you have their own ends to guard and lots of wood and rock for them to hide out in.
What type of tetras are you looking at getting?
Good luck hey! Keep us posted

fishy411, why do you say don't get panda cory cats? Just curious, I was thinking about getting some.
Debbie :happyfish :happyfish

i'm not quite sure about what it is exactly but it seem severyone who i know gets them and they live perfectly for like 3 months and then they decide that they don't like cleaning and they start to get fin rot and all that. They are just more susceptible to any kind of disease no matter how good yur conditions are. I would recommend sterbai or if u can find them slate cories. greens are pretty nice. There are lots of great cories out there but panda's are not one of them . There is one that looks like them and when i find it i'll post it here. also they are one of the most reclusive species. I had two and i think i saw them once a month after they got used to the tank.
i think the siamese are more docile as adults and makes ure it's not a flying fox.


Active Member
What about pepper cories. These little guys are cute. I picked on up the otherday to see how it fares before I get more. I used to have to have the bronze corys but wanted something different. I don't care for the albinos.


peppered are nice too. Good choice but u may never know if it does well if u only get one bcuz thay like to be kept in groups so thats why it's important to research well for cories especially but yeah peppered should be good. mostly anything but panda's are good. You should probly add at least 4 more and if u can fit it get five. They need at least 3 of their own kind to thrive.