Nice set up!!!!
Do you have both sets of clowns in the same tank? How do they get along? Of course your tank is big enough that they don't even know the other set of cowns is in there.
schneidts, t n h, RobChuck,
Thank you very much!!
Thank you! No - The RBTA & the Percs are in my frag tank. I had just got a good shot of them lat night so I threw that in as well
ahhh mt dose of eye candy for the night... i love the scapin and those sadlebacks are awsome, i will be gettin me a pair of them for the 210...
i cant wait to follow this tank as it matires... once again wonderful tank
Thank you as always!!! I have a bunch of SPS stuff still in my frag tank that I plan to be moving back into this system soon!! You know me - I like to take a lot of pictures so I am sure you will be seeing them soon!