I'm ready to take the plunge!


New Member
Hello all! I'm new here, been lurking around the boards for the past couple of weeks, and am ready to start a new tank. Before I spend any of my hard earned $$ I wanted some advice on what I should get. I was thinking about a 75-90 gallon tank. I've seen some pretty good package deals that are pretty much all inclusive. I figure if I go with that I'd be safer than trying to piece meal it together myself. Anyway, any and all suggestions on tanks and where I could go (websites) would be great. Thanks!


I'f money isnt really an issue then I guess the set up you are looking at would be ok IMO. However, it does seem like it is priced pretty high for what you will be getting. It appears the lighting system is only PC lighting to me. I could be wrong about that. If I am correct then you would be limited as to the kinds of corals you can keep. My guess is you would be wanting to keep corals. I'm not sure where you live but in most places you can find a reasonable priced used system. Nickel Ads, Craigslist etc.... And with the money you would be saving you could then purchase extra LR, LS, corals, or equipment as needed. What kind of livestock are you looking to keep? A 90G will be undersised for some fishes like Tangs and Triggers. The Oak finish does look nice on the one you are looking at. Welcome to the boards and now is the best time to ask lots of questions.


Active Member
yup, welcome to the boards :) some posts go unanswered for more than 10 mins so dont feel unloved :p
also, you may get in trouble or censored by posting links to other websites.
I would definitely go as big as your budget and space allow (maybe more than your budget :) or you may end up wishing you had a bigger tank, like most do. check out your classified section in your newspaper, or even here on the forums, and see if anyone has a used tank going for cheap.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the board. Keep asking questions - better to kill virtual fish than the real thing. I'm not so thrilled with the system you are interested in. The "tidepool filtration system" is really designed for freshwater, and would only be good for a FO tank. If you are interested in reef organisms, the biowheel will probably produce too much nitrate, which will harm reef critters. The lighting is not sufficient for most corals, all clams and most anemones. Actually, to have the most flexibility for reef organisms, less is better. Eliminate the filtration system, add live rock and a sump with a skimmer and you will be ready to house anything at all. Then it is a matter of how much $$$ you want to throw at lighting.


New Member
Thanks everyone for the info. I guess I'll buy everything item by item, it may be more of a chore but I want to do this right. Keep the info coming....I'll take whatever I can get!

jessi p

I like this one - but it's just the stand. After we get moved I will be looking into a really nice stand. My darling other half has started keeping a mental tally of my "fishtank" dollars pouring out the window. When he gets too cranky about driving me "All the *&% way to the *&$ LFS" I just remind him that from the small insurance settlement I just received HE got a new racehorse AND a new truck. I got a fishtank. 'Nuff said.