I'm ready


I have been building a 75SW tank over the past year or so. (see link below) I am finally ready for the "furniture." I am planning on using dead sand/rock for now. Does anyone know of a good site where sand can be purchased? Also, any tips on using tap water for my tanks filling? I have read several books on this hobby, spent almost 2 years researching it and I know how delicate this is. I even spent the time and effort to build my own stand and canopy. But it seems that everytime I go speak to a dealer the refute simple things that I have read. ie - DON'T use tap water, buy mine @ $1.75/gal. Riiiiight! What do I need to know as far as using tap water? I know what I read, but I need a hobbiest like myself to lend some input based on exp. Thanks in advance...


Active Member
Congratulations on finishing your tank!
Sand - On the East Coast, you may be able to get a hold of Southdown Tropical Playsand from a local Home Depot. Good stuff, and I believe costs around $5 for a 50 lb bag back there.
Tap Water - After putting in all that work on the tank, it might be worth it for you to buy RO water. You may run into problems with tap water. It is generally avoided, because of additives, minerals, etc., that may be harmful to fish. There are those that have very good quality tap water, and use it with no problems. But there are things in it sometimes that you can't test for with a standard kit that may be harmful to fish, despite it being fine for human consumption. Although $1.75 per gallon is way too much. Many places will sell it for $.25-$.35 per gallon.


Active Member
RO/DI water is probably the best way to go. There is PLENTY of info about this type of water filtration on this board. Also, nice job on the stand and canopy. It's gorgeous.
Great job on your tank, stand and canopy! very nice!
I didnt buy the bow cuz I really like the look of the canopy so much!
I used tap water and used water conitoner to it brfore adding my salt... So far so good.... If you can do the DW.. Do it!
Congrats on job well done!


Thanks for all the help. Instead of using sand bought from a dealer I have heard of using "playsand." I am planning on going that route. However, the "Southland" brand I keep hearing about is not carried by Home Depot down here in Naples, FL. THey do carry "sterilized" playground sand made by QUIKRETE. WIll that work as well?
75SW Drilled
500gph MagDrive
48" TwinTube 80Watt