Im selling Local in Indiana...soft/lps frags now and Soon Rare Montiporas


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huge colony of my purple/chocolate digita
one rock with 2 frags of monti cap.
my bright yellow fiji tree coral



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new 2" by 2" inch watermellon chalice for sale. Amzaing peice for $74. a real rare peice that grew out to cover the whole base it was on. Great price too check the internet.


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Hey Rubberduck, I'm in West Lafayette... I've been looking for some mushrooms, but my LFS overcharges... Do you have any up for sale?


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oh my i have been looking for the pulsing xenia forever and have had no luck, do you have anything left? also very interested in some other things you have left. i live in bedford indiana about 1.5 hrs from indy, can you send me a email and maybe we could communicate that way, would love to do a # exchange so i can could purchase some stuff from you very interested.


I want a frag of the Yellow Tree Coral. I might be interested in the RBTA also. Ill be home tomorrow. Do you want to meet me tomorrow evening maybe at Michigan Rd. somewhere? Let me know. Email me at


Active Member
i would like the a peice of pulsing xenia and a frag of the yellow tree. let me know when we can meet to do this. i can come sunday if your available.


I would like to come get that frag tonight if possible. Give me a call or post here when you get this. Thanks, 317-752-1080, Brandan


Active Member
alright, the main thing for me is notice, let me know in advance, because the rose bub is on a large rock and i would like to get him off by not touching him o prevent harm, so i will see what i can do. Brandon i will call u today and schedule something to work out. everyone messages out and there are still odds and ends availible and a chalice getting ready for sale. rare montis should be coming in about a month. let me know


Active Member
coool everyone interested i senbt messages out and send me some if still cool. trying to take care of this this weekend.