I second the 55g tank suggestion if it is within your means...I started with a 29g and although it was l lot of fun, it was harder since the less water the more susceptable to fluctuations like salinity and other essential elements...bigger than allows for a little bigger margin of error....all in all 55 is great in my opinion..I have a 60g now and it seems like a ocean to me...the ideal size, as previously noted, is 48" long...the others are up to you...you can get 55, 60, 75, or a 90g tank...
Whatever tank you get I would certainly get it with a wood stand and wood canopy. Preferably you want a canopy that has some space for air flow since you'll need it to cool down those lights....make sure you get a color wood that you like...once Its set up its twice as much work taking it down.
Next you need to get pumps to move and circulate the water around...for a 55g 2 maxijet 900's would probably do the trick...
Also use sand on the bottom for a substrate, not crushed coral...you should have about 3" sand bed, some say the more the better, but I don't want a beachhead if ya know what I mean. Use southdown, oldcastle, or live sand which is more expensive...the southdown or old castle you can find at home depot, Lowes, or some other place...100lbs for a 55g is good
You need a heater set to about 78 degrees...and a hydrometer to check the salt content of the water. It sould be around 1.024.
When setting up the tank put in the sand first, then put garbage bags on top to stop a dust cloud...pour in your fresh water, not tap water though, use Reverse Osmosis water of distilled water since tap water has lots of impurities...you can get the stuff at walmart or some gorcery store cheap...then add your salt...not table salt...but rather the stuff from the pet store...
Toss in the heater, pumps/powerheads and your on the road...
Get your 1lbs per gallon of Live Rock, maybe more...you also will need to buy a good protein skimmer...thats important...to start out get a hang on the back one like a remora...
you will need test kits for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and kh. These all need to be tested for.
As for lighting...??? well that a long story...depends what you want...I'll let someone else do that...
cycling will take about 3 weeks with the 1 lbs per gallon of LR and maybe a little live sand...someone will also explain the cycle too I am sure