I'm so confused Please help !!!!


I recently lost 2 new emporer cardinals 2 days after buying them from the lfs. The guy I spoke to from the shop tried to say that it was my water that was all wrong.
I use a Hagen master kit which is in date until Oct 2003. The Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate when tested showed all zero. Anyway I took a sample into the shop for them to test and they used Tetra test kits.
The only difference showed that the nitrate was at over 100mg/l. When I got home I tested again and the nitrate was up. Since that day I have carried out 4 50% water changes and my hagen test kit shows just over zero and the tetra tester show it still at 100mg/l.
I've read up loads and everything says that if nitrate gets to 100 it will do serious damage to all fish and inverts. What I don't understand is after the 4 water changes all my polyps, mushrooms and toadstools are all out and thriving and all my hermits, snails and star fish are all still ok.
I have one flame angel, one manderin and one scooter all of which are buzzing around really healthy. I just don't understand what is going on. I would have thought the nitrate would have at least decreased but the tetra kit shows not.
I only feed the fish a quarter of a block of frozen food a day, not very much at all really. This has been going on for 6 days now and I can't find anything that's dead in the tank. Everything is looking better than ever. Any ideas guys???
If it's possible go to a third party and get it tested and that would break the tie. If everything is ok than you don't have anything to worry about. Instead of wasting time and money go get your water tested from another source other than your main lfs and yourself.


Active Member
I don't use either of those test kits, so I'm not sure what to say.
You will want to insure that both kits are measuring the same form of nitrate.
Two different ways of measuring nitrate in a tank.
Some nitrate kits measure and readout in N-NO3 or Nitrogen Nitrate.
Other kits measure just the nitrate ion NO3.
mg/l or ppm or even meq/l are common engineering units to double check too.
You might want to check both kits and compare to see if they are both reading the same compound, and are reading in the same engineering unit.
Very strange to have that large of a difference for sure.
Wish ya luck,


I use the tetra kit and have gotton a false reading a couple of times. It turned out on both occasions that I just hadn't thouroughly rinsed the test vials after the last use. Just something to check. HTH


OK I have checked the 2 kits and they both are testing for straight NO3. I tested again tonight and the result from my tank is e ven lower than yesterday using the Hagen kit but still 100mg/l with the tetra kit.
So I tested the tap water just out of curiousity and the hagen tested a little over zero but the tetra kit tested between 25mg/l and 50mg/l.
What gets me is I have theoretically changed the water 100% twice with the 4 50% water changes. I even used a nitragon filter to remove the nitrate. If the differences were slight I could understand it but the difference is huge....
Plus all my stuff is really looking good and 110mg/l is supposed to be toxic to inverts and fish !!!
I thought I might get the lfs to test their water when I am next in to see if their water tests ok.


Active Member
Assuming your nitrates were actually at 100 meg/l.
Assuming your freshwater is nitrate free.
Assuming your newly mixed saltwater is nitrate free.
Assuming NO additional nitrate was being produced in your tank between water changes.
Doing a 50% water change would result in 50 mg/l.
Doing another 50% water change would leave you with 25 mg/l.
Doing another 50% water change would leave you with 12.5 mg/l
And the last 50% water change would result in a final number of 6.25 mg/l NO3.
But the assumption that no additional nitrates will be produced between these water changes is not practical with a fish populated tank.
I do feel that you should ditch the Tetra kit, have your tank water tested at lfs for second opinion/comparison against your Hagen kit.
That is flat out weird to get those results, and has to be frustrating as well.
Good luck,


I agree with you there Broomer, I once had flowing locks of hair and now I am bold ha! ha!
With only 3 fish in the tank I agree this is really frustrating. I will take some water to a different lfs for testing at the weekend i think. I will keep you all posted.
PS. Thanks for the advise guys.
Hello,i don't really have any help for you,just
wanted to say that i have a very high level of
nitrate's all of the time.It seems like it's
a battle not to be won,I have had my tank for
almost a year,have not lost any form of
life yet. Just wanted to let you know that you're
not alone.