im sorry to all that were offended by my inconsiderate remarks

rudedog40 said:
Originally Posted by nathanrudy9
ok first of all i removed the 3 in. bh tang from the 55 gal. tank just to be careful and be a good humanitarian...i took some of ur advises and got a few fish i would like to add to my tank really small ones like maybe 1 in.
just got back with my daughter she had a fun time although she wanted clown trigers which were huge!! as much as i looooved the tangs i guess its not time for them yet they had some beautiful tangs...chevron tangs,purple tangs,yellow tangs,powder blue controlling myself...even a gorgeous black tang which was expensive....
Sorry you made the decision Nathan. Yet another person influenced by members on this board. I imagine they'll also talk you into buying a 500 gallon tank so you can have anything you want. It's the humanitarian thing to do...
Do you only come on here to stir up Problems rudeboy. I have only been around a little while and as I can see almost all of your post involve bashing other members.. As most peoples experiances are different so are there responses which doesent mean some are right and some are wrong most are very experianced so back off a little bit while I sometimes dont agree 100% with some of the advice I learn what I can from it and introduce people to my way of doing things....
So for this post your mad cause he got rid of a fish who will out grow its tank size. which is better for the health of the fish... I think you base your opnions more on fish surviving then thriveing... would the tang live? most likely but will the fish display signs of stress and maybe ich... good possibility
Leave the forum if you have that much negitive input


SteveChouinard said:
Originally Posted by rudedog40
Do you only come on here to stir up Problems rudeboy. I have only been around a little while and as I can see almost all of your post involve bashing other members.. As most peoples experiances are different so are there responses which doesent mean some are right and some are wrong most are very experianced so back off a little bit while I sometimes dont agree 100% with some of the advice I learn what I can from it and introduce people to my way of doing things....
So for this post your mad cause he got rid of a fish who will out grow its tank size. which is better for the health of the fish... I think you base your opnions more on fish surviving then thriveing... would the tang live? most likely but will the fish display signs of stress and maybe ich... good possibility
Leave the forum if you have that much negitive input

Now I've heard everything. If what you call me voicing my opposition about the same members who continually spout the same boring information over and over as bashing, then you're right. Nathan comes on this board brand new just asking for information on how to maintain a tang, and the first thing he gets is lambasted for having one in a 55. These 'members' continue to chastise him about keeping the tang to the point where he takes it back to the LFS. I personally think it's pretty pathetic to push your opinions and views on someone else. So I tell ya what Stevie Boy. If you don't like my comments or opinions, don't read them. I cn surely tell you I'd never take advise from you. Especially since you most likely know less than me about this hobby.


Let me start by saying that it takes a big person to realize their mistakes and an even biger one to admit them, well done. I have a fire fish in a55g and have never had a problem with him jumping out and My tank is in a very high traffic area of my house. He will hide in his little rock if there are too many new people in the house but he comes out when they leave. It's kinda like he knows my wife and I but doesn't like company, very weird. It did take a little time for him to get used to the tank and the other fish and he still gets scared if I put a new fish in, but he has gotten so used to me and my hands in the tank that he no longer hides when I mess with the tank. I can be elbow deep and stirring up all kinds of stuff and he doesn't care. Hope this helps.


Staff member
One of the best, and most interesting books for beginners is "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" by Bob Fernner. A must read, covering many topics, filled with valuable inforation with an emphasis on being "conscientious" about the live animals we wish to keep. Really nice pictures as well.
You won't be a beginner anymore if you read and practice this book cover to cover.


Active Member
Beth is correct, it's a great book. Fenner is actually in the process of writing a new edition of it. Keep your eyes open for it.
Michael's pocket guide was also mentioned and is a great book to have.
You've found a great forum here Nathan. There is a wealth of info here.
A couple of things to mention. First off, read up on QT tanks. A QT tank is vital for reef tanks. Second, go slow.... 1 to 2 fish a month... and corals after a few months. The only thing that happens quick in this hobby involves a tank crashing.
If your aquarium service is not preaching the importance of quarantine and slow going you might seriously consider finding a new service.


i ordered the book today..(The Conscientious Marine Aquarist: A Commonsense Handbook for Successful Saltwater Hobbyists ) going to get some dvds too...yeah im gonna take it slow...the guys that do the maintenece dont ever really push me into buying things they just clean up the tank... and check all the parameters are in more advanced tests and adding thed right chemichals etc...they spoke to me about a hospital tank, might be the same as QT ...they are scheduled to come at the end of the still sad i cant put tangs in the tank.. those are my fav fish my wife wont allow me to get a 180 gal,my daughter who is 2 years old agrees with me so i should win (2 against 1) but funny somehow my wife always wins lol...