Im starting a 10Galon, what fish do u suggest to get


Please just make any suggestion, and say why, remember it is a small tank, and i already have a little 1" Yellow tailed Damsel in it


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but to have corals, i need the lighting, and i dont.....if i cant get the lgithging, what would u suggest?


Active Member
Small tanks are much harder to maintain stabile water parameters. You don't have all of the extra water to help buffer anything. 1 days evaporation can raise the salinty signifacantly (sp) depending on your lighting and canopy. A/C vents and heating ducts can also effect the temp of your tank quicker in a smaller tank. If you can afford it get a bigger tank and use the 10 gal as a QT tank.


Active Member
PC's or T5's for a 10 gal should be fairly inexpensive. Not sure exactly but I would imagine less than $100.00.


Active Member
There are a few fish that will do nicely in a 10 gallon, but with the damsel in there your choices are even more limited.
I would suggest a mantis shrimp... maybe? I know it isn't a fish, but they are really neat. If you get a smasher, then it may be ok with your damsel...but it won't be ok with snails and anything with a hard exoskeleton.


Active Member
nope very few species can break a glass tank..and those few species get to big for a 10 gallon -from what I have heard; haven't owned those species.


I would say if your tank is fully cycled take the yellow damsel back and get a clown or a pair of clowns or get some kind of small goby . YOu really only have room for 1-2 very small fish. be careful not to overcrowd.If you like damsels get 2 . I had 2 in my tank to begin with and they didn't fight but they were put in at the same time and my tank is a 29.I have a friend with that has a goby , a damsel in her 10 gallon so you can put a fish in. ALso do a search if you leave your tank up for 6 months you can add a chocolate chip star , and many other interesting animals. DOn't think you have to have everything everyone else has. Good luck


New Member
i just bought a coralife compact set w/ a 96Watt 50/50 for 89.99....its more than enough light!!


Active Member
is it a 10 gallon tall, or long? if its long i think you would be ok with a yellow watchman or some other shrimp goby and pistol shrimp.


Active Member
Check out the nano board for ideas. I have kept a 10g SW, but only kept one tomato clown, no corals and upgraded fairly quickly to a 20, now a 60. Most fish will outgrow the 10, but the nano board will have some good feedback.


Active Member
yea, a 10 gallon puts a lot of restrictions on what you can and cant keep. you can usually get really good deals on 20 gallon or 29 gallon tanks at pet stores. most wont cost more than 30$.


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Seth youa re the stupidest most pitiful excuse for a lifeform....I hate you and you should just kill yourself im serious this time