i'm sure my anemone is dead. tell me please


ok. one of the anemones.. i'm sure its dead. No, it is not only shrivvled up. I think it decomposed or something... when I picked it up, it's orange parts started to break apart like melted gum. and all its tentacles are shriveled up. Now I am really new to anmones and don't want to make any mistakes but tell me please. This guy is dead right?


Yup, dead or dying. If you have a quarantine tank you might want to rinse him in saltwater, and put him in that tank to see if it will recover. There's not much you can do to rescue


Sorry to cut out in midsentance there - had some computer problems. What I was saying is that there isn't much that can be done to rescue an anemone, besides keeping good water parameters and hoping. You need to get him out of the tank if there are other inhabitants so that the dying anemone won't pollute.


I would venture to say if its tearing and looks decomposed, to not even bother with putting it into a hospital tank. It may still be clinging to life, but will die soon if not allready dead. reason being that anenomes have an extremely low metabolism and usually dont recover. Even healthy ones that get torn rarely pull through. I would think that moving him to a QT would just make more work for you. he will make an awful mess.
What type of anenome is it?
[ August 11, 2001: Message edited by: @knight ]


it was a purple-tipped anemone. It was looking healthy and fine the night before and in the morning, it was inside-out. :( sick as hell :(


Active Member
Whoa there big fella! You said "inside out"? I think you better give us a better discription of what's going on. Anemone's will turn inside out and spill their guts, so to speak. I'm not saying it's not dead or dying, but when you say 'inside out' you make me nervous. I hope someone else jumps in here. Am I wrong?
Take care,
Dan'l :D


it smelled awful too.. I added a new carbon bag to filter it out. The other anemone is doing fine now. I can still see the orange bottom part of his body so.. that is kindda annoying me right now but it's not dead. so yay.


this store sells all anemones unattached. It's weird.. well. anyway. water quality
my ammonia is at 0. i tried testing my nitrite but the test kit color won't turn up for some odd reason; it just keeps coming out clear. my pH is at 8.3, my temp is around 86.


you shouldnt have to worry about trites if your tank has allready cycled. but your temp is too high. i would try to get the water a bit cooler. what are your nitrates? also what type of lighting do you have? how often do you do water changes and how much?
anenomes are hard to keep. they are sensitive creatures.
[ August 11, 2001: Message edited by: @knight ]


many books said that anemones are excellent for beginners ... <burn book. die ! die ! :mad: >
I gotta get a new nitrate test kit, I am all out of those test-powders but i do water changes every 2 weeks sometimes 3 weeks, 20% .
i got one double smartlite powercompacts, and one double flourscent seaglo lights. i think in terms of wattage and lights, i'm doing fine. or am i ?