I'm Thinking Of An Animal...


Active Member
I remember a while back someone posted something about this animal. Seriously the coolest thing in the world, IMO. Anyways, I think it was a relitive of the Octopus, and it traveled along the sandbed. It had tenticles on the front of it's body and it somewhat "walked". It changed colors and they seemed to "pulsate" on it's body. It was very vibrant, as well. Can anyone tell me what this is so I could research it? I have a new species tank calling my name. lol


Active Member
That's not it. Sorry, I forgot to mention that it's NOT an octopus. It's something else, but probably a relitive to it.
And when I say it was vibrant, I mean like the neon holycrapIcan'tbelivethatevenexists! vibrant. lol


Active Member
I google image searched it, and that doesn't look like it either. There was this youtube vid someone posted of it, if only I could find it! @.@
This animal did not use it's colors for camoflauge. I belive it was posinious or something, and kind of like a posion dart frog, displayed it's colors proudly.


Active Member
If its not the Mimic Octopus, I still bet its some type of Cuttlefish
Do a Bing search Flamboyant Cuttlefish and go to the youtube link


Active Member
The name cuttlefish sounds familler, but I can't figure this one out. I'm loosing sleep on it, it's 1 am lol


It has to be a cuttlefish you're thinking of. There are many varieties. As stated, search for flamboyant cuttlefish.


Active Member
OMG I think I"d crap myself. xD That is soo cool though,
Anyone else have any awsome vids, while we're on the subject?