Im tired of hearing this...


Active Member

Originally posted by GreatfullReefer
So if we put you in a small room when you reach adulthood you woul only be 2 ft tall? real.

hmm i wonder how a family with 2 adults and 5 children would do in a 500 sq ft home? probably and most likely survive (oh and after 18 years you can get rid of one too) being human not fish and able to speak and tells what ails them but i doubt they would be very comfortable :nope:
and, would it stunt your growth? probably if you couldnt go outside or be in sunshine:thinking:


Well, if you are tired of all this, then go and put whatever you like in YOUR OWN TANK! But make sure you don't come here to tell other to do it!
Poor fishs:nope:


Not true some marine schools have grown fish so big they cant even turn around in the tank..... The size of your fish has to do with water temp/diet/water quality.


Active Member
yep, agreed. What do these people want? It blows my mind that they come in and pull this stuff. :confused: Bored I guess.


Fishtanker has a valid point with which I agree. These fish will probably not grow big due to the fact their environment has stressed them to the point that they die before they reach a normal size.
Overcrowding kills, so does not offering enough space!


If you deny people living in your 2X2 closet food as well as space you most certainly will stunt their growth! These arguments are a waste of time. No two tank environments are the same. Using proper testing and common sense can allow you to BEND the fish rule but don't be stupid and test the boundaries just to prove you can break it. We all love this hobby and should respect our charges.



Originally posted by StacyT
That is a commen misconception. Fish will continue to grow, even if there is not enough space. Then if not given adequate space it will start to stress, leading to an early death.
I've seen puffer's, tangs, lions, triggers, and angels that have OUTGROWN the small tanks that they where in. Most of them come in to the LFS to be traded in.

i agree with this. but i dont now if this is diferente but before i had my saltwater fishs, i use to have2 fresh water tank shark in my 55g tank ther grow up to 6 inches each. one of them die because my father. the other after he die continue growing up to 13". and the i trow him in my backyard lake and he is 3 feet and a half. sometime it dependt on the specie. so i agree and not agree


Active Member
First of all, I agree this is a troll thread, but I'll be the sucker and play along.
I'm reminded of a news article I read yesterday about a 19 year old who was 4 foot tall and weighed 45 lbs. He was adopted and his parents treated him and his other adopted siblings so poorly that the way his parents got caught was that the 19 year old was found rooting through the neighbor's garbage for food. It makes me so sick to think people can actually mistreat a child so much just to make a little money (by not spending the governments money on things like food, etc). To make a painfully obvious parallel, that 19 year old was not "matching the size of his environment," the poor guy was just horribly treated and malnurished. Of course I'm not saying fish are people, or people are fish, so please don't get offended either way. I was just struck by the similarities. Grrr, the parents are facing up to 280 years in prison each with maximum sentences and I hope they get exactly that.


not telling you to try this but if a lfs has a fish in a 10 gal aquarium. lets say that fish is a tang. hes about 4 inch already having enough of a hard time moving around. i dont care if he is stressed or not if hes eating hes still going to grow until he gets to his full size or he come down with a illness and dies. most likely they will catch a illness and die. fish will keep growing it doesnt matter they may grow slower but they wont stop till they get as big as they do. Thats why if you look at most pages they will give you a recomended tank size they reason they rec and not tale you is cause they cant tell you what to do but they strongly beleive they should be in the right size tank thats why they stay in buisness and all fish are usually healthy. theres some cases where you might get a scik fish but thats from stress do to traveling



Originally posted by AKinda
not telling you to try this but if a lfs has a fish in a 10 gal aquarium. lets say that fish is a tang. hes about 4 inch already having enough of a hard time moving around. i dont care if he is stressed or not if hes eating hes still going to grow until he gets to his full size or he come down with a illness and dies.

just becasue a fish is eating does not mean it will grow. i could feed my tangs raw lettuce all day and they would eat it. however they cant digest it, will receive no nurishment from it, and will slowly die from starvation.
in a stressful enviroment the fish might eat but it won't eat as much as it needs, won't be able to process the food as well becasue of the stress hindering its normal biological functions and will not grow at its natural rate. thus stunting it and dieing prematurely.
if you practice good fish husbandry your fish will give you years of viewing pleasure


Yea i nderstand but i am saying if its eating and living ok it doesnt mean its doing ok he will die early and before he become full grown. It may live for a while and seem to do fine but most likely stress or disease.Thats what stress meant if he is stressed he wont digest the food as well plus you have to keep a variety and give them the right food they need.


A LFS has a purple tang in a 20 gal that they have had for six years. It is only about 3-4 inches long and looks very healthy.
It does look lonely because its the only fish in the tank but it hasnt grown in years.