ima noob


Just wanted to say hey to everyone.. i've been reading the forum for a few weeks now and decided to join up... i've got a 90 gal tank from a freind a little over a month ago... I'll post pics when I figure out how...


Active Member
Welcome...There are some helpful ppl here..If you have any questions be sure to post them and there is a 99% chance you will get an answer prolly rather quickly..Board seems to be a little faster paced than alot of other ones..


to be completely honest.. I have no earthly idea.. like I said.. I got the tank from a friend that's going into the army.. (ok.. didn't give that much detail but...) he asked me to take care of it for a few years... roughly 10 or so... and the anem was already there...


Active Member
anemone looks like a LTA in my opinion
Amazing tank you have there!
... and welcome to the forums!


Welcome to the forums! Looks like a rose anemone to me. And a very healthy one! Great looking tank! What is the fish in the top left corner of the tank? A harlequin Tusk or an Emperor Snapper maybe? Looks better than my tank! :(


Active Member
Originally Posted by Robdog696
Welcome to the forums! Looks like a rose anemone to me. And a very healthy one! Great looking tank! What is the fish in the top left corner of the tank? A harlequin Tusk or an Emperor Snapper maybe? Looks better than my tank! :(
Not rose anenome, usually likes rockwork. In the sand, most likely a LTA. Would have to see the base to be sure.


you say upper left.. I'm assuming the top picture.. if that's the case it's a snail..
I have 2 osc. clowns, 1 sixline wrasse, 1 salfin tang... and quit a few inverts...


Active Member
Yep....thats a red bubble tip anenome, RBTA. And a solid red at that.....very hard to come by. Good find. These fetch a extremely high price around here..over $100. You can find BTA....which are white, green, and red coming out of your ears, but a solid red, no.
I'm surprised it is in the sand though, they usually like rockwork. Looks very healthy.


Active Member
No thats a LTA. You can tell by the base and the tentacles... As for the fish in the top left that would be the osc. clown.