imbout ready to go crazy


New Member
what am i doin wrong,my tank looks like a mess

first off i did a calcium test last night,after all the calcium i put in the tank
once a week the new test didnt even have a reading,why
then i thought could it be the carbon absorbin it in the wetdry?
second,i have a spot behind my large green coral that isnt gettin any water flow and i dont know what to do? i turned myback tubes towards the wall and that one area isnt gettin a water flow,i have to pumps making a current in the water but that area is so hard to get at,do i need to do some more underwater land scaping?
i got white dust on every thing and thats drivin me crazy as well,can anyboody offer me some ideas?
oh andthe fish are doin fine,eat like crazy
i did a 15 gallon water change about 2weeks ago added calcium,purple up,tropic martin biocalcium,kent marine liquid calcium and i use a water purifier that u would attach to your faset cuzz the water here in town has brown stuff comin out of it,
could that be a problem?
water parameters
calcium no readin
tank size 100 gal


Active Member
Your Calcium has to be through the roof. You have way too much goin in there. Natural sea water calcium is at 420
Tropic Marin keeps calcium around 450 (at least pro does)
Purple Up adds calcium
Kent Liquid Calcium
The first thing you should do is a large water change and stop adding all the calcium. The reason your tests arent showing anything is probably because it is way too high off the charts. The white stuff you see everywhere sounds like calcium precipitation. It happens from the water becoming saturated with calcium and causes it to turn solid.

aztec reef

Active Member
is the test kit old? what's up with all the additives? if you want steady water quality the only thing you should add is buffer aboutv once a week, ocasionaly add calcium(if need3d) and drip kakwasser water to replenish evaporated water.
weekly water changes with ro water and lots of current takes care of the rest.


New Member
cool,im goin todo the water change,thanks folks
also do i need to put in my carbon pouch and if so how much carbon do u folks recommend?