Imitation live rock

huma huma6

Is there anything that looks like live rock but isnt and is a lot cheaper. I will have live sand and live rock in the sump but I cant afford around 400lbs of live rock. Is there a cheaper substitute?


Active Member
Is this for your 55? If so, you dont need that much rock. You could get away with 75-100 lbs. You could also do about 75% of it with base rock and just add some live rock to seed that with. Should save you a ton of cash...


Active Member
Ya you could use some sort of base rock- I have a reef that's been set up for only like 1.5 months and had some old base rock that I put in..... its already showing great signs of coraline, red, green, and purple. Just make sure your water has appropriate amount of calcium and light....


Active Member
Red Sea just started making this fake rock that 100% looks like real live rock. It even has the colors of coralline algae. I believe that stuff will make for some gorgeous base rock on top of your live rock if you are hard up for the money at the moment. See if your LFS carries it or can order some for you. It is the realest fake stuff I have ever seen.
Like stated though, if you are doing this because you cannot afford 400 lbs. for a 55, rest assured, you do not need that much.

huma huma6

No this will be for my 240 with a coral catshark. Some kind of bigger eel(not tezzy or green or fibriated) and a couple tangs and groupers.


I just looked up the Red Sea rock. It looks pretty real, and they had some rather large chinks, and some smaller ones. The large ones seemed a bit pricey, but I guess that depends on your local LR prices.


Google "CaribSea Look Alive Reef Rock". Look for the "plant" website. 40lbs is $37.99 + shipping.
Here's what it looks like:
Hope this helps.


Originally Posted by ArmandoC
Google "CaribSea Look Alive Reef Rock". Look for the "plant" website. 40lbs is $37.99 + shipping.
Here's what it looks like:
Hope this helps.

anyone use this stuff i'm interested in something like this as well.
let me know anyone.


New Member
I will be using "tufa rock" made by feller stone. It looks nice and I was told that if I add coralline to the water it will start to look like live rock.


Active Member
my boyfiend and i just got done makeing diy rock, its still drying it was about $20 to make 100 lbs, 50 lbs of cement and 50 lbs of cruched osture shells, it doesnt look very real right now but after it crusts over with stuff it will look like the real deal


Hi guys!
All this talk about 100#'s of rock prompted this question? How much is too much for the glass bottoms of the aquarium to handle? All that LR and LS has got to be A LOT of weight to handle. Am I being over protective?