immediate help needed with puffer!!!! mysterious disease


our puffer has come down with a mysterious flesh eating disease that is progressing rapidly...he is 12 inch stars and stripes in a 210 gallon tank by himself...all water levels are norm...he looks swollen and blotchy and his fins are fraying and turning started out looking like a small bit of dust on his body...i have had ich outbreaks in the past and this is not looks as if something is eating hime away, and his eyes are startingto sink back in his head....any ideas please help...i have had him for two years


Staff member
he looks to me like he may have a bacterial infection and maybe malnutrition. What have you been feeding this fish? How long have you had him? What are your water readings?
Do you have a QT where you can move him and treat him?? Has this fish puffed? Been removed from water at any time? More detials, please.


he has been eating krill and shark formula...we have had him for two years...nitrate 15 nitrite 0 ph 8.2 ammo 0...about a month ago we had a disaster with our 390 gallon tank...a seam split on it and all the whole tank drained in a matter of minutes..when we got home from work all fish were dead except for our port jackson shark, a greenbird wrasse and the puffer...the port jackson and the wrasse did not make it throught the next day....we steup a new 210... and the puffer has been fine, eating great and as happy as could be....i have given him 2 fw dips(ph and temp the same) does not seem to help...he is looking real bad this morning....his eyes are sunk way back in his head and his skin is real patchy...any ideas???


Staff member
This is not a problem that FW dips can take care of. How long has it been since the fish's fins started to erode? What is the contents of the shark fumula you mention?
Can you move the fish to a QT for treatment? Do you have a QT up?


Do a fresh water dip for 3 min and see if any thing comes off of him it might be flucks if so post quick