

i had a loinfish die of impaction, and i was wondering if i have to watch out for that in dogface puffers too. What are the signs of the start of impaction? what can be done? Good ways to avoid it? Does a low salinty help with prevention of infections? Thanks


Originally Posted by jewtity
i had a loinfish die of impaction, and i was wondering if i have to watch out for that in dogface puffers too. What are the signs of the start of impaction? what can be done? Good ways to avoid it? Does a low salinty help with prevention of infections? Thanks
I must just be a "dim" disease and treatment person, But I have looked in my books and am not finding any term called "impaction" could you describe this more?


Staff member
impaction is constipation.
As long as you feed your fish appropriately, there should be no problem. Add in some seaweed sheets, if he'll eat it.


he'll only eat krill now, i put in formula 1 and those sheets, which my clown trigger and angel eat


Active Member
It's more of a problem in lions, who gulp their food. Feeding small pieces of food can help. Some symptoms include; listlessness, not voiding, loss of appetite. A freshwater dip will sometimes cause an impacted fish to void.


Impaction can also occur when there is a blockage such as Triggers and Puffers that chew on Powerheads, Fake corals and so on ....... Lions at times will gulp sand, however many times when I hear of a lions death caused from impaction, these two questions come to mind.
What did your lions diet consist of?
Feeding a lion the same foods overtime can cause a blockage in the gastrointestinal tract
How large were the chunks?
When a lion is Fed large chunks and unable to digest the food, the food will rot causing death.
My Lions eat Fresh Frozen Peas thawed for greens, you can place them on your feeder stick.
I am also interested in hearing more about the freshwater dip when it comes to blockage, this is the first time I have heard of doing a fresh water dip for this.


i know i fed the lionfish wrong, because i had fed everyday and large chunks of the same krill. But what should u do if ur fish has impaction