Impaled by an urchin....


Active Member
Hey my long spined urchin came out at night and i turned the lights on to clean some things and accedentaly bumped him to have his spine go in about 3/5's of an inch into my skin
. It hurt Really bad. It is embeded and broke off. I would have to razorblade my hand to get it out. im thinking let it heal over and just leave it in there (lol it sonds funny to type it.
) i will worry about infection but the spine will not come out unless i dig it out. yes they have toxing and my finger is a little numb from it but thats as bad as it gets. Should i leave it in and let it heal over or do i wip out the razor
thats gonna hurt like _ _ _ _!
to cut or not to cut? which option is best.
travis :help:


Active Member
yeah i just don want to overreact and pay money for that. i would just dirnk a beer and let someone else take it out lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by RUBBERDUCK
yeah i just don want to overreact and pay money for that. i would just dirnk a beer and let someone else take it out lol
Well that's an idea too!


Active Member
I love your avatar by the way..I wish I could keep a blue linckia alive, I only have good look with the orange ones.


Active Member
I dont believe its actually a toxin they have... I do believe its a bacteria or something that grows on them and when you get that in your skin... its no fun.
While im not expert at all... i'd suggest removing it from your body.
Your best bet was to take it out when it already have pain what's a little more? Now you have pain because it's still in there and you know to get it out you're going to have to dig it out. A pair of tweezers and a nice thick needle is all it would really take. If you want to numb it up first put some baby orajel on it first and wait about 5 minutes for it to kick in. Don't be stingy with it either...just gunk it on and leave it for a few. Let us know what you decide to do...


Active Member
I'm certainly not a Dr. but I would be VERY cautious about any kind of puncture wound received from a reef tank. I'm guessing infection could be very likely.
Also, I suspect the nature of the barb is going to drive it slowly further into your hand... like a stingray's barb will do.


Active Member
I have one and have done research on them.
Yes they do have a Toxin...that's not the bad part...the bad part is the bacteria that exists on the spines and your tank water.
TAKE IT OUT! You may have to goto the Dr's as they are hollow and very brittle...meaning they break it may be tough to get out..
But yes, question...take it out!! and neosporin it up real good...If it start to get red at all go see a DR..We all know abuot the bacteria in a can live in people too..
Check out the other "reef" site and do a search for Infection, you'll see some nasty stuff.
Good Luck!


Rubberduck, as an ER nurse I strongly urge you to get it taken out and get on some antibiotics. You can and probably will get a systemic infection from the barb. Don't be foolish, stingy or a tough guy, losing your fingers or hand would be much worse. Just some advice from someone who has seen nearly all you can.


i did the same thing, about 5 times!!! it does hurt!! it went away after about 2-3days. it stopped hurting after about 1hour. u will be fine.


Active Member
Wether or not Diadema is toxic is still under debate.
The problem is that they are very brittle (as you know), but their spines have spines that makes the spine move farther into your skin as time goes by.


Active Member
Well I am sure whatever you decided to do you have done already but I just figured I'd chime in. See a doctor. A puncture wound like that can be very dangerous because it can inject dangerous anerobic bacteria deep into your skin away from oxygen which can allow the bacteria to flurish and many of these bacterias produce bad toxins.


Active Member
I agree, I would take it out. When I get a would splinter, it will become infected sometimes if I don't remove it. I can only guess what an urchin spike would do to me :scared:


I seem to recall reading in biology class (a loooooong time ago) that the spines are barbed...and will continue to move deeper into your skin.


Active Member
Ok so what did you do? You are keeping us in suspense.
Yes by all means get it taken out. I also suggest you go to the doctor and get some antibiotics.


Active Member
Ok ok people are getting never did i think something like this would intrique so many answers and wanting to know the outcome. I did end up tryign to remove just to be on the save side. I did get most as i dug it out with twisers. ended up ripping it out after the small hole it made had healed. It was much funning ripping your skin open and trying to grab a spine under your skin.... i got it all out but hey for all i know the barb might be in there. after removing the main i was like "screw this" and decided to spend my night looking for a barb under my skin :scared:
. It was interesting thing to do and i do feel that im closer to my urchine and maybe a little more respect
.yeah i dosed antibiotics and cleaned the wound now that im parraniod since buzzword had the great idea that i might lose a finger to infection
Thx alot buddy

overall it was a as great experience as you can get by being stabbed in the finger (i removed about a little less than an inch of spine) ouch! The funning thing was my dad called poison control and they said i should be fine but infection is whats to be worried about..yada..yada..yada. thhey gy also cracked up and said he gets about one of these calls a year and said congrats we are that caller.. im so lucky.
Im glad thats through and i hope i dont have to go throught that again with my buddy urchin. i hope you enjoyed hearing about me injuring myself due to stupidity...until next time............(i give myself a week and a half)
:hilarious :hilarious
