imperator angel?


i just purchased an imperator angel and im not sure the best things to feed beside what the guy at the store told me,i have a uv sterilizer,protein skimmer,wet/dry,sand filter.i want this fish to really thrive I have a marroon clown,snow flake eel, royal gramma and they are great. any info would help.


New Member
Feed your angel frozen "angel formula" and dried green algae in an algae clip. I use Ocean Nutrition, which is good quality. Other brands may also be good. My blueface angel also likes brine shrimp, flake food and bloodworms. I've heard of some people feeding them chopped raw clams or oysters too. Provide a good cave for your angel to retreat into when it gets startled. They sometimes take a while to get used to people and not be afraid. I'd suggest getting a bigger tank in the future (90+ gallon) if you want your angel to thrive. Good luck