Important Question


New Member
I am so glad I found this board! Thank you for spending the time with so many questions~
I have received some bad advice a few times now from my LFS's.... and now before I go through another prolonged cycle of a new 100 gal tank planned as FOWLR, I need your advice PLEASE.
I set up two tanks within 10 days of each other . 100 gal FOWLR and a 60 gal planned as a reef tank. The first (100 gal)cycled and I was told it was ok to add 10 lbs of LR and 2 fish plus snails, and 1 shrimp. The LFS did my water chemistry. (I now do my own)
AFter adding all the above - I started a bigger cycle and nitrites did not come down.
I initially did not put in enough LR - only 35 lbs because I was told I could add more later ease the start up expense.
I did buy more pre-cured LR and cycled it in the 2nd tank with the advice I could transfer it to the first tank after a week because it would have cycled in the 2nd tank and do no harm to the first tank as before.
BEFORE I do this- is this true? Will I cause another cycle or continue the one I am just coming out of by adding LR from another tank in my house that has been there for 8 days?
Sorry for the long explanation, but just do not want to raise my nitites and ammonia a 3rd time in the same tank...

THANKS for any help~


Active Member
i have adding more lr to my tank after my cycle. when i see a nice piece i buy it and then add it. if its cured lr it shouldn't have much impact on the tank. i think this was all you were asking about.


New Member
Thanks but in my case - not true. The rock I added the first time was pre - cured also.
I added 10 lbs to 35 lbs in a 100 gal tank on bad advice.
I added it from a local purchase carried home in wet newspaper, straight into my tank.
The nitrites went up to 1.0 and after weeks only down to .5
THIS time, I was told by another LFS that if I placed the cured rock in another tank for more than 7 days, I could safely transfer it to the first tank without causing another cycle because any die off would have happened in the week within the 2nd tank...
Sorry this is confusing...hope this makes my question clear? In BOTH tank cases - they are new set ups- neither tank fully cured at the 6 + week mark having used bio-spira too.


Active Member
Okay I would cure all the rock in the tank without fish, just test the water and once it shows zero ammonia and nitrates I would wait one or two more weeks to be safe, then add to the tank with fish. Are you sure it is pre-cured rock?


New Member
Hi petjunkie.... Thanks...I just checked and I am still at .5 on nitrite and ammonia.
I have purchased two batches of LR online and they SAY it is precured.... there was no bad smell, it was wrapped in wet newspaper. At this point - I am asking here to be safe.
Appreciate the help.