Important/Quick hypo question

I have a 55 gallon QT running right now and I am ready tobegin raising the salinity back up to normal. My question is though.... I will be adding water with a 5 gallon bucket, so how high should the salinity be in the bucket each time I add the water in? I am not sure about this and couldn't find aynthing that clarified. Thanks


Active Member
Mix it to display tank levels (1.025-1.026.)
In a 55, I'd add a gallon at a time, wait an hour then measure. Repeat as needed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BlackBarracuda
how long should it take me to raise it back up? a couple of days?
No. Fish can not tolerate a rapid rise in salinity. Raise it back over the course of 5-7 days.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BlackBarracuda
ok so change 1 gallon at a time and an hour in between and make it last 5-7 days ok thank you very much
If you're at hyposaline levels (1.009 or 14 ppt salinity), and you need to raise it to 36 ppt salinity, you're coming up 22 ppt over 7 days, so 3 ppt a day.
You can do small water changes 3 times a day to raise it 1 ppt each time. It's important to measure after each water change out. What are you using to measure the salinity?


Active Member
Originally Posted by BlackBarracuda
I have a refractometer, ordered one a little after beginning hypo cause I didn't trust the hydrometer too much heh
Good deal. You should be fine. Measure actual salinity as opposed to the specific gravity.