

Active Member
It is totally impossible to get a decent pic of this guy. My newest member of the reef, a yellow coris wrasse.
I have been waiting for months for one of these guys.:yes:


Active Member
I put him in last night and he disappeared. Now he just won't stop moving for a pic.


Active Member
Here's a pic of my new brain. The price was right, free.:happy: One of the good benifits of knowing a LFS owner. This guy is only about 1.5" across.:joy:


I had one - loved it. Ate flatworms like it was crack. Did a carpet surf on me...
Keep a lid on the tank!


Active Member
is he at all agressive tward his tank mates?
I don't think he even sees them.
I have a tang and perk in there with him. I was worried about perk attacking the wrasse.
Keep a lid on the tank!
I have egg crate on it. That does mean it won't jump thru though.:rolleyes:
Thanks for all the comments.


Have you seen him do his little dance before he beds for the night?
Or when he wakes up?
Truely one of the most amazing things you can witness in a fishtank.



Originally posted by golfish
Dan, I like that fish. Does he bury in the sand at night?

It's the natural behaviour. They all do. Unbelievably fast too!
One thing to watch for (I've seen it happen at the lfs) is an infection on the tip of their "nose" due to a coarse substrate.


Active Member

Originally posted by Kistheeze
It's the natural behaviour. They all do. Unbelievably fast too!

I don't think I've ever had a wrasse in my reefs. I wonder how stressed they would get NOT having anything to bury into?


don't do it.... Not with this one.
I would say incredibly stressed. I'd liken it to forcing you to sleep standing up....


Active Member
Pretty fish. I love wrasses. Is that one of the small kind? -ali
I think they only get to be 4" tops.
Does he bury in the sand at night?
Yesterday I got real nervous; I couldn't find him after 7:00 PM. I looked all night, I though he was a goner. When I came home from work, there he was right in front of the glass.:nervous: doing this
Yeah, it buries itself.
I wonder how stressed they would get NOT having anything to bury into?
Good question.:notsure: I have southdown and have no intenion of breaking down the tank to remove it.:nope:
One thing to watch for (I've seen it happen at the lfs) is an infection on the tip of their "nose" due to a coarse substrate.
Thanks, i'll keep an eye out for it. How do you get rid of it? A dip?



Originally posted by dburr
Thanks, i'll keep an eye out for it. How do you get rid of it? A dip?

Don't worry - your southdown is plenty smooth enough - shouldn't be a problem.
FYI - mine was at least 5 inches...Damn I miss that fish...