Pretty fish. I love wrasses. Is that one of the small kind? -ali
I think they only get to be 4" tops.
Does he bury in the sand at night?
Yesterday I got real nervous; I couldn't find him after 7:00 PM. I looked all night, I though he was a goner. When I came home from work, there he was right in front of the glass.:nervous: doing this
Yeah, it buries itself.
I wonder how stressed they would get NOT having anything to bury into?
Good question.:notsure: I have southdown and have no intenion of breaking down the tank to remove it.:nope:
One thing to watch for (I've seen it happen at the lfs) is an infection on the tip of their "nose" due to a coarse substrate.
Thanks, i'll keep an eye out for it. How do you get rid of it? A dip?