Impressive Replacment Fish


New Member
Hi All-
I work in a law firm and in our lobby we have a 250gal tank with many different types of fish in it. We have about a 6in Volitan Lionfish and a 15in Snowflake Eel, along with a trigger, tang, butterfly, and an angelfish all about 2in. The lionfish and the eel have gotten really agressive latly and we might have to take them out of the tank. If we do does anybody have any imprssive replacemnet fish that we could use. We want the type of fish that when someone comes in they go "Wow, look at that fish!"
I would love any sugestions thanks


Active Member
All of those mentioned will be "awesome" once they grow up. If you want to add something now that's a little bigger and adds some flash I would recommend a coris wrasse or perhaps a harlequin. Here's my red corris to give you an idea:
I think a huge puffer would be awsome in there. They look so much like a puppy dog and everyone thats sees them just love them. If I could have one in my tank it would be my first choice.


Active Member
RANE: I wouldn't put one in a reef. They search all day for food and will eat anything that moves. Part of their search technique is to turn over rocks and catch what ever is under it. Not a pretty sight with corals. As for cost, I think I gave around 50 for mine. He's almost done changing out of his juvi colors and is about 5" long. Another draw back to reef is that they sleep under the sand bed. Not a good thing when you're trying to create an anerobic space.


A lunare Wrasse. They make amazing display animals. I have one. It swims all day and eats from my hand.