Impulse BUy:Powder Brown tang


Well i try really hard to not impulse buy and untill now have never bought anything that i didnt plan to have. Add on top of that that i never add a fish from ***** into my 285g. Well i broke both those rules about a week ago when i saw a perfect powder brown tang swimming activly in its little tank. I spent about ten minutes just watching it swim, no ich in the system, not scratches or other problems on the fish, it looked nice and plump too! I decided to leave it (
) but as i was walking away my younger brother pointed to the very tang and asked if we can get it. Well that was the last straw and twenty minutes later it was aclimating into the tank. (No qt, i figure with only damsels in the tank it wasnt worth it)
Well the tang was swimming in the bucket and as soon as it was in the tank. It was even actively looking around and nipping at the rocks. Didnt eat the first two days but after offering live brine the tang is now eating and still healthy. I think it was a lucky find (considering the same ***** was trying to sell a large yellow damsel as a lemonpeel angel). Well wasnt planning on a powder brown but glad i have it! Pics to come soon as a clean my glass, which might be a while.


Active Member
Rara - you will need all the luck in the world and cross all your fingers and toes because your chances of having ick in the tank now is VERY high.


Im aware and the tank is in hypo, im feeding vitamin soaked brine mysis and ocean plankton. I also have an algea clip that i make sure is stocked and mix algea flakes and gfarlic extreme into all the foods. Im hoping things will work out, lucky for me its a fish only system.


I think saying the chances of Ich in the tank have now risen to "very high" is a little pre-mature. Certainly, they are higher than if he had not added a fish to the tank. However, unless you know something about the specific fish store he got the fish from, or know something that wasn't mentioned in the original post, there is no reason to assume that the tank was contaminated.
Had he quarantined the fish, he could have watched and seen whether Ich developed. This would have decreased the chance of contaminating the tank.
So, in short, I don't disagree that there is a theoretical increase in the chance that Ich was introduced. However, I think your statement that it is now very high is a little dramatic.


There is not LR in the tank, its a fish only system. The tang did have a little ich for about a day but with the help of malachite green it went away the following day.