In a really bad predicament


I'm about at my wits end. I thought everything was going well (like everyone that has a problem). I have two fish with slightly enlarged stomachs. They look bloated and aren't as active. I was thinking and I remember I left their frozen food out once for a little and it thawed halfway. i didn't think anything of it and put it back in the freezer. I think that's coming back to bite me in the butt.
Right now I'm pretty clueless as to how I can solve this. I have the sailfin in a 10g QT right now. The SG in that tank is 1.009. The clown is in my display tank with a SG of 1.024.
Parameters in the display are:
SG: 1.024
Amm: 0
Nit: 0
Nitrate: 5
Parameters in the QT are:
SG: 1.009
Amm: 0
Nit: 0
Nitrate: 20
I'm currently doing a 2.5g water change in the QT tank.


how to get the clown to QT and then treat the both of them.
It was recommended to me to do a 6 hour acclimation for the clown to get him to the 1.009. Does that sound right? Also what would I treat them with?
I'm going to go buy new food tomorrow and also some garlic additive to hopefully boost their immune system.


Originally Posted by BrandonS
how to get the clown to QT and then treat the both of them.
It was recommended to me to do a 6 hour acclimation for the clown to get him to the 1.009. Does that sound right? Also what would I treat them with?
I'm going to go buy new food tomorrow and also some garlic additive to hopefully boost their immune system.

ok, first things first.... do your fishes have ich? why are u doing hypo?
second: how big is your MT?
third: fresh crushed garlic is more practical and way better than those ones in a bottle. i mean, u could just do it right when u need it, u know!


My Display is 75gallons and is FOWLR and the QT is only 10 gallons. The tang is rather small (he lives in a standard size coffee mug in the QT). The clownfish is around 2" in length.
I think I'm going to take your suggestion of the fresh garlic. My wife and I both love cooking with it and we have a garlic press deal so that'd work well.
The fishes abdomens are not swelled as much today as they were last night so I'm hoping for the better. I'm going to try the garlic with the food and see if that boosts their immune systems enough to fight whatever infection bloated them up.
As for the ich. Only my Sailfin as ich who is in the QT since I've bought him around a week and 2 days ago. The clownfish is in the main display. I have noticed he seems to have lymphocystis (I think that's what it's called) but I'm told that goes away on it's own and cannot be treated.
So for now would you guys recommend trying the garlic on a new packaging of food and leaving the clown in the DT to reduce stress?