In desperate need of lighting guidance for 220 gallon tank


I need a new lighting system for my 220 gallon custom oceanic tank. The tank dimensions are 63" long, 32" tall and 31" deep. At the top of the tank in the middle is a plastic brace to keep the glass tops from sagging. My tank is in a wall (serviceable from rear) and I have about 36" of clearance from the top of the tank to the ceiling. I was told I needed about 1000 watts of light as I want to keep hard/soft corals and fish. I would like to simulate the daylight and night environment. I was wondering if 1000 watts of light would melt the plastic at the top of tank or make the glass tops too hot and risk cracking/busting if water was splashed on them and the lights were laying right on top of the glass or would I be better off hanging the lights from the ceiling a few inches above the tank. I am assuming with this much light I will need a chiller as well.


Active Member
your talking about Metal halides for the 1000 watts right? your suppose to hang them or put them 8-9" above the water you could get a chiller or get like 3 or 4 or more cooling fans


<shrug> I have looked at lighting until I got dizzy. Tired of wondering on this and was looking for a suggestion of get X amount of part # XYZ and X amount of part #123


Active Member
3 1000w halides and a chiller or some fans. I have seen a tank recently that had 3 400w halides with 4 small box fans blowing over the water. 1000w bulbs might be overkill, I dont run them so not an expert but you might even be able to go with say 3 400w halides and 2 -4 VHO's for actinics. JMO


New Member
if these lights were to remain on for the recommended hours of daylight and evening much would it cost in california to consume this much energy using metal hallides on a tank this big?


New Member
i've heard a guy once talk about his electric bill at the LFS here in San Jose and he said it added almost $200 to his normal bill monthly!!!!


Active Member
I was watching to see if anyone would notice that,
very good krunk,
I have similar demensions and run 2 400 watt MH and 4 140watt VHO, only fans and I run a constant 80 degrees


Active Member
Yes im back thanks,came back friday nite, glad to be home ,
I hate it over there, hot and dirty:( Im going to work on my nano tank now, I missed my fish:D


the cost really shouldn't be that big of a problem... although i'm only running one 400w metal halide.. but all the lighting on my fuge and sump and mantis tank.. it raised my bill i think 10 bucks.. and electricity in NW ohio isn't the cheapest :)


i'm only running 400w halids though.... next bill i get i'll compare ill put my price per kw and then put my previous bill and the new one


Sorry, I goofed, it was late and I was frustrated.
Should be 63" wide, 31" tall, and 24" deep
1000 Watts should be enought right?
You need more then 1000 watts, even tho WPG might not be a very good formual to follow, it keeps the basics out of the advance.
I think you should just go 3x 400 10k bulbsMH with 2-4 5 foot actinics or 3x 400 20k bulbsMH


Active Member
I have a 220 I am getting ready to set up. I know your's is bigger but this is what I have so far. I have 1-400watt MH, 2-250 watt mh, 6- 180 watt VHO with 3 ice cap 660's I also have a 1/3hp chiller since it gets hot in texas anyhow.