In Hypo - Fish swollen - Help?


I am currently in hypo salinity at a reading of about 1.009
Have two fish left, lost 3 to disease caused by stress of ich. One never showed any signs of any ich or disease(three striped damsel) the other is a clown who was looking really bad but since hypo treatment and marcyn plus he looks as good as new.
However today both fish look a little swollen, the clown above is two bottom front fins and the damsel in betweeb his two bottom fins and his mouth.
Any ideas if being in hypo is causing this. The fish are eating but definitley looking different to me today. Swollen is the only way to describe other than looking pregnant.
Was wondering if somehow they are not getting rid of waste matter? Any ideas?


Active Member
I can't tell anything from the picture.
How are your measuring specific gravity? One possibility is that your measuring device is reading high and the actual salinity is lower which can be toxic to fish. Marine fish placed in extreme hyposaline conditions will swell.
A refractometer measurement is best.