In Mourning...


My puffer fish ate one of my damsels Monday morning, and he was dead when I came home today. I'm so depressed. I want to tear down my tanks now officially. But I have an eel. What do you do with unwanted fish?


Active Member
You bring them home and put them with your eel and the rest of your damsels...

So they have swimming buddy's too...!!!


No I mean, what do I do with the eel that is left in my tank where my puffer was? I don't want him anymore. I don't want the tank at all anymore.

my way

Active Member
The best thing you could do right now is buy another puffer, and move on. This might sound crude, but in the end you will learn to love your new puffer.


But puffers cost a lot of money and are hard to keep up with, and in turn cost even more money. I think I'm done with fish for now.


you havent been with us long enough to give up. to be honest its probably good he ate that damsel.they are wicked when they get big.i lost a stars n stripes puffer after only 3 days (50 bucks) when i went back to the lfs they had a mappa puffer (very rare) and i got him ($150) and he has done wonderful for the past 3 months. dont give up be patient and when you can afford it get another puffer.


if you are realy done
then plz i would love to get your eel from you it will get a great home and ill send pics every month:


Active Member
Salt water is a touchy hobby. But when it works the rewards are awesome. I'm sorry about your puffer. Hang in there. Research, review, ask questions, and take care or your little eel. What kind is it??? I'm considering getting a snowflake eel. The problem most likely stems from the size of your tank. The fish most likely got to territorial and in the end the one with the bigger mouth won. As I'm sure you know stress takes a tole on all aquatic species. There are many tanks for sale here in the classifieds. Very good deals too! I wish you luck, hang in there,
and keep us updated. Sorry again about your puffer.


Active Member
Find a local saltwater club, aquarium or LFS.
The key to success in this hobby, as mentioned, is to research and choose appropriate animals for the tank you have. And that does not seem to be the case here. You can succeed if you stay within your limits, but without that, it will be a very frustrating battle.
If you really do not want to do this anymore, then I would encourage you to trade the fish in as soon as possible. It is not fair to the fish to be unwanted, as it leads to poor water quality and impacts health. So definitely try not to let that happen


Active Member
I second that. Very good advice. I'm sure any of us online would be happy to give your animals a new home in a heart beat if need be.