In My 6G NANO Can I Have..

oh lil azn

New Member
:notsure: In My 6G NANO CUBE (w/ 18w lighting) can I have a PLATE CORAL, FROGSPAWN CORAL, and a PUMPING XENIA?? :thinking: Please let Me know..thanks :cheer:


New Member
I just put in a pulsating xenia a couple hours ago that i got online. Ill let you know how it goes.


Active Member
No frogspawn, they have sweeper tentacles that are released at night and in a six gallon it would eventually sting and kill every other coral.

oh lil azn

New Member
:thinking: HmMm...well I was plannin' to keep My Plate Coral on the sand....
And a Small Pulsating Xenia on a side rock..and then a FrogSpawn on My top Rock by itself... :help:


Active Member
These are low light corals to begin with and being that close to the light they will be fine. You can try the frogspawn, but you will be seriously risking the lives of your other corals in a six gallon nano cube. It is too small for one.

oh lil azn

New Member later on I'm plannin' on putting a Frogspawn on My top think I can put a Pink Open Brain on My sand? :thinking:


No, you need more light. Most LPS corals need more than 3w per gallon. I dont believe that you have enough for frogspawn either.


i had some pulsing xenia in my 5 gal. just keep an eye on the temp and water level. i cut all mine out when i left for school for 2 days and lost about an inch of water and the temp shot up like 5 degrees. they weren't looking so well and they didn't look good under my crappy lights anyways.


That is better, and your corals will be happier. When you go and buy the Pink Open Brain coral, get a small and have a place picked out for it. They can get big. I have one that is almost 8 inches a cross and 5 - 6 inches high. I would keep the frogspawn far away. Just as what has been mentioned before the Frogspawn can sting corals up to 6 - 8 inches away.

oh lil azn

New Member
DAMN!!! lol ok no Pulsating Xenia...
HmMm any suggestions for My 6g Nano? I want like 3 corals. One for My sand, One for My Top Rock (its a big rock) and one for my lil side rock...hmMm..
Pink Open Brain
and Frgspawn on top rock?


Active Member
i had a red open brain till it snagged one of my seahorses then it was byebye brain. you dont have a lot of light so mushrooms and zoos are good.


Active Member
Xenia does not need to go that out of control, when it starts to spread just trim it back.
Man, you are really bent on getting the frogspawn regardless of what people say. A frogspawn in a six gallon nano will sting everything
no matter where you put it. I guess you can learn your lesson the hard way though if you choose.


Active Member
Stick with low light corals that are small and stay small, are hardy, and reasonably friendly to fellow corals.