In need of a few things for my 24gal


Active Member
Well, as it turns out, I dont like the idea of an enclosed tank. I pretty much figured that would be the case but I figured I would try it anyway. With that said, I am planning on removing the lid on my aquapod and replacing it with a clip on halide. This will enable me to get better use out of the filtration in the back. I plan to convert it to a refugium.
I need:
Either an Hqi Halide light of 150w or less or a Powercompact system with atleast 90w.
A small power compact no more than 4 inches wide for the refugium.
Chaeto (or caulurpa prolifera) but preferably chaeto
Im also looking for frags of soft corals. I plan to do mostly ricordias in this tank but will settle frags for most anything at a decent price as I could always trade them later. Thank you.