In tank powerheads..


Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
buy a mj1200 and mod it out...

Mod it in what sense?
I'm just looking for something to provide flow behind my liverock and something to add flow to the lower levels of the tank.


maxi jet 600 is knda small for a 90.. i have a fluval filet on top of which i have a maxi 900 and 600 in my 55.... and thinking about getting another 600! to get everything moving rite!


Active Member
I read somewhere that the MJ 1200 is much higher wattage than the 900 and for not a whole lot more g/hr and if I'm not mistake you can mod the 900s.


Originally Posted by dapak83
maxi jet 600 is knda small for a 90.. i have a fluval filet on top of which i have a maxi 900 and 600 in my 55.... and thinking about getting another 600! to get everything moving rite!
I have a 55gal tank. Is the 600 good for a 55 gal?


i would get more then one! because u will want more circulation.... one ph will ony push the water from one side to the other ... i would say get atleast 2 600.... or even better 2 900s.. its best!