In-Tank Protein Skimmers


Staff member
Anyone recommend a good in-tank skimmer?....I know in-tanks are not the best choice, but, in this case, I have no choice. Unless anyone knows of an under the tank free-standing skimmer [no sump]? I haven't heard of any of these.


Lee's protein skimmers are the only one's that I found were in tank skimmers. They come in three sizes and are air driven. I used one before I switched to seaclone which is a much better skimmer. Believe me, air driven skimmers are a piece of crap. My seaclone is not very big and it can be installed in the sump or behind the tank. I have it behind the tank.


Staff member
I have only 4-1/2 inches that I can use between tank and wall. Is there a hang-on back skimmer that's good quality that has this small clearance? Its for a 72 gal tank. Otherwise, I'll have to go with an in tank. Any opinions welcome at this point.


Active Member
Beth, I had similar situation as yours with limited space between back of tank and wall. I read up on protein skimmers, saw some interesting postings on this board and visited several websites as well, before deciding to go with the CPR Aquatic's Bak-Pak2 skimmer. The dimensions are 7.5" wide X 3" deep X 17.5" height. I have about 5 inches space behind tank and it hangs there very nicely, with couple inches to spare. There are 2 adjustments at the bottom of the skimmer that allow you to make sure it is positioned level/perpendicular to the tank. I don't have a lot of experience with other skimmers on the market, but I will say this, what I have read regarding air driven and venturi style skimmers vs in-tank models, I think you happier with the venturi type. I empty about 1/2 tp 3/4 inch of greenish brown nasty smelly stuff out of the cup each day .. and always feel good about that ! One chore I never mind is getting that gook out of the tank
I would imagine others on this board have used the CPR unit and would support us on this one !
I bought mine online and would be happy to email you the few sites that had decent pricing.
Good luck !


Active Member
I re-read your posting and see where you have a 72 gallon tank. Mine is a 55 gallon. I think the Bak-Pak2 is good for tanks up to size 60.
You may wanna check with manufacturer and see what they recommend.


Just go to the store and look around. Any venturi skimmer is better than air driven in the tank skimmer. Seaclone is good for up to 100 gal. I think it would fit in easy behind your tank.


Staff member
Thanks for the advise! I actually was visiting the CPR website just 2day and Seaclone was my next stop. I wouldn't mind any links to web sites for equiptment / purchase info. However, after that post on "sumps", perhaps I'll just get started on my own little aquarium sump closet and get a big old skimmer and put it in a sump! [Can you believe that some skimmers go for $400+] LOL


Staff member
Hey Boomer, I just got started brousing the saltaquarium site you posted and WOW, it is really packed with great stuff, the latest concepts in the hobby, both "natural" and more conventional approaches. I recommend everyone to visit there [both juvi's and aspiring "sharks"!] LOL
Thanks for the tip


Beth... I know that I went crazy in my setup but I have a micro which also allowed me little room to do anything.. I was looking at the Bak-Pak2 but I heard that it allowed many bubbles back into the tank eventhough it claims to recover many of them before hitting the tank.. I was forced with a difficult decision.. I ended up custom making a sump out of poly carbonate and using a belin classic in there.. It needs the equivilant of a rio 2100-2500 to push it but it seems to be doing a great job.. Good luck with your search.. I think the sump is the way to go.. It just affords you alot of freedom....


i just read that whole thread and realized after the smiley face it was almost 10 1/2 years old


I also have little clearance on the back of my tank and use the CPR Aquatic's Bak-Pak2 skimmer and like it. I'm using it on a 75g. Good luck!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth http:///forum/thread/20600/in-tank-protein-skimmers#post_116161
Thanks for the advise! I actually was visiting the CPR website just 2day and Seaclone was my next stop. I wouldn't mind any links to web sites for equiptment / purchase info. However, after that post on "sumps", perhaps I'll just get started on my own little aquarium sump closet and get a big old skimmer and put it in a sump! [Can you believe that some skimmers go for $400+] LOL



Active Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51 http:///forum/thread/20600/in-tank-protein-skimmers#post_3345171
Originally Posted by Beth http:///forum/thread/20600/in-tank-protein-skimmers#post_116161
Thanks for the advise! I actually was visiting the CPR website just 2day and Seaclone was my next stop. I wouldn't mind any links to web sites for equiptment / purchase info. However, after that post on "sumps", perhaps I'll just get started on my own little aquarium sump closet and get a big old skimmer and put it in a sump! [Can you believe that some skimmers go for $400+] LOL

hahah ive seen some up to $1000


Active Member
When Beth said that I did laugh....some skimmer prices are outrageous when you stop and think about it, but acrylic prices are just as bad as gas prices these days.....


Well-Known Member
Why was this resurrected again?
As for current in-tank skimmers....I've heard good reports on the Tunze Nano. Anybody here own one?