In Tank Refugium


Has anyone ever used or made a small "in-tank" refugium and filled it with Chaeto to help exort nitrates? If so, was it effective? Thanks.


Sure, if you've got water going in and water coming out, it should work fine. Make sure the cheato is well lit, and you're good. Never tried it though. But if you build it, they will come. haha


Active Member
I have a small h.o.t. refugium I made out of an old Skilter with a light. Works great. 0 nitrates since I added it. One thing: You'd be better with something you could light at night to stabilize oxygen production and ph.


Originally Posted by uberlink
I have a small h.o.t. refugium I made out of an old Skilter with a light. Works great. 0 nitrates since I added it. One thing: You'd be better with something you could light at night to stabilize oxygen production and ph.
So on your skilter-fuge, how did you light it? Did your tank lights keep it lit or do you have a separate light for it? I like the idea of making a small fuge out of an old hang on pump, but I'm not sure of how to get a light for it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 27mtaylor
So on your skilter-fuge, how did you light it? Did your tank lights keep it lit or do you have a separate light for it? I like the idea of making a small fuge out of an old hang on pump, but I'm not sure of how to get a light for it.

You can buy a light for it at lowe's, and I guess you would have to rig it up over the skilter fuge.


I built a refugium out of a rectangular kitchen trashcan, a power head and a handful of plumbing parts. Works great. Just stuck it beside my sump under the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 27mtaylor
So on your skilter-fuge, how did you light it? Did your tank lights keep it lit or do you have a separate light for it? I like the idea of making a small fuge out of an old hang on pump, but I'm not sure of how to get a light for it.
I bought this small aquarium light that's just a hair wider than the skilter, and I basically use that as the lid for the skilter. I chose one that's for a freshwater or planted setup (6700k instead of 10,000k). It was about $25. Could have gotten something cheaper, but I liked the way this one looked better and I thought less light would bleed out into my tank at night. It comes on with my moon lights at night. Works great.


hey uberlink, thats an awesome idea, i hadn't thought of that and have been looking for a small fuge solution. What are the approx dimesions for the skilter and what kind of macro is in there?? I have an old whisper 30, looks a lot like what you have, how many watts of light are you using. Is there another hob style filter that you have seen after the fact that would work even better???


Active Member
It's a Skilter 250. I think it's about 8.5 inches wide and 4.5 inches from the back of the tank. Maybe 8-10 inches deep. I have it stuffed full of chaeto, and I just continue to run the standard Skilter filter cartridges. That provides extra filtration and holds the chaeto in place.
The light is a "Mini Aqualight Double," with two 9 watt 6700k lamps--about one inch wider than the Skilter. It comes on at night. That keeps the chaeto growing.
I am sure this isn't nearly as good as some of the other fuges people have, but for my small system it works incredibly well. My nitrates had been around 10 since I started the tank, and occasionally as high as 20. Within a week or so after putting this on, they went down to zero. They've been at zero ever since.


Originally Posted by uberlink
It's a Skilter 250. I think it's about 8.5 inches wide and 4.5 inches from the back of the tank. Maybe 8-10 inches deep. I have it stuffed full of chaeto, and I just continue to run the standard Skilter filter cartridges. That provides extra filtration and holds the chaeto in place.
The light is a "Mini Aqualight Double," with two 9 watt 6700k lamps--about one inch wider than the Skilter. It comes on at night. That keeps the chaeto growing.
I am sure this isn't nearly as good as some of the other fuges people have, but for my small system it works incredibly well. My nitrates had been around 10 since I started the tank, and occasionally as high as 20. Within a week or so after putting this on, they went down to zero. They've been at zero ever since.
How big is your tank? I have a 46 gallon and I have been battling the nitrates too. They constantly remain around 15 or a little higher. I can't make myself do the switch to sand so I figure this would be a good solution.


Active Member
My tank is 28 gallons. I think it's well worth a shot, particularly if you have a h.o.t. filter you're not using--though even a brand new one is pretty cheap, if it makes a difference. If you're interested in the specific light I got (which is by no means a necessity, but it is a nice little unit and sits pretty flush on top of a h.o.t. filter box), shoot me an email. I'll tell you where I found it for $25. Email is uberlink at mac dot com.
The other advantage is that my ph has stayed much more constant and into the low 8's ever since I added this and started running the light at night-time. Previously, it tended to dip at night (as is very common) and then climb during the day, but never get much over 8.0 or so. Now it's pretty steady 8.2 or 8.3 all the time.


I just got back from wal-mart. I looked at their hang on filters, but none of them had much room inside-behind the filter pad. I figure I would be better off using something like the skilter that has more room for the chaeto. I currently run a skilter 250 (modified with an airstone) and it does pretty good, so I don't want to use it for this purpose. I may check with my brother, he had a larger skilter that he quit using sometime ago. If he still has it, I may try to get that rolling.


awesome idea.. I love it.. I was trying to figure out something myself.. I will be using your method.


Active Member
Wow, incredible idea. I've got a Aquaclear 500 sitting in the box that I don't use, now i'm thinking I could simply hang this on the side of my wet/dry instead of buying one from CPR. How far from the top do you hang the light?


Active Member
Just purchased a Jalli 13w 7100k fixture with bulb for $19.00 online, is this the same fixture your using?


Active Member
Originally Posted by maxalmon
Wow, incredible idea. I've got a Aquaclear 500 sitting in the box that I don't use, now i'm thinking I could simply hang this on the side of my wet/dry instead of buying one from CPR. How far from the top do you hang the light?
I actually sit it right on top of the skilter, which prevents much of the light from bleeding out and lighting up the tank all night long. The light has a plexiglass panel that keeps any water from touching it. So far so good, though I suspect it would be better for the chaeto to hang it a bit higher. I just don't want all the light in the tank at night.