IN three months I plan on this setup...


This is what I plan one getting, is it ok?
1 Biocube 29 gallon
1 Biocube stand
1 Biocube protein Skimmer
1 visi Therm Heater 50w
1 Instant Ocean Hydrometer
1 20lb bag of Live Sand
1 Marine Master Test kit
1 45lb order of premium live rock
1 order of Instant ocean Salt mix
Then later I will stock my aquarium with....
2 Clown fish
1 Royal Gramma
1 Yellow Clown Goby
1 Bubble Anemone
1 Yellow Polyp
1 Sun Polyp Coral: Orange and yellow
1 Medium Zoanthid Frag
5 red leg Hermits
5 Scarlet Hermits
5 Trochus Snails
5 Nassarius Snails
2 Turbo Mexican snails
1 order of Brine shrimp eggs in which I will hatch in my 10 gallon and then feed them to the fish live, for I heared feeding fish live food is more nutrition for them, is this true? And is it hard to breed brine shrimp? I'm winning over my parents to get one going, but lets hope I cn get it started in three months! Thanks for any sugestions!
Landen Gerlinger


Active Member
Sounds pretty good

The Salt will be fine.
I would also get 5+ Nassarius snails for the sandbed.
Also, three fish in a 14 would be the absolute most you could have, and you would need to add them apart from each other.
Like, Clownfish, and the a Royal Gramma a couple weeks later..


New Member
I like the Instant Ocean. Make sure not to use tap water. RO/DI would be my recommendation. I'd also suggest a small mexican turbo snail. I love mine

Good luck and get some pictures up when your ready


Ok, thanks! How much is Ro water? And for the near future, how do you post pictures? I'm computure dumb


Originally Posted by Lando101
I'm computure dumb

Well being that your a COMPUTER
dumb ill help you out. This is the easiest way I have found to post pictures on forums. Go to and setup a new account.
Find the picture you want.
Upload to your album.
Copy the IMG code.
Paste code into thread.


Active Member
Heh, I think it's 'viola'

I get my water at Meijer - $0.29 for a refill, $0.59 when you first buy the filled up jug
Walmart also has it, but for $0.33 a refill.
I get my RO water at Meijer from the Culligan machine.
I would definitely recommend getting the 5 Gallon jugs instead of a bunch of little ones..
It's embarrassing walking into meijer w/ a cart full of rattling jugs, and wet, squeaky shoes afterwards..


Originally Posted by HowardJ
Heh, I think it's 'viola'

I get my water at Meijer - $0.29 for a refill, $0.59 when you first buy the filled up jug
Walmart also has it, but for $0.33 a refill.
I get my RO water at Meijer from the Culligan machine.
I would definitely recommend getting the 5 Gallon jugs instead of a bunch of little ones..
It's embarrassing walking into meijer w/ a cart full of rattling jugs, and wet, squeaky shoes afterwards..

i am also planning a similar tank


Active Member
Oh! I would MOST definitely get a refractometer instead of a hydrometer.. I HIGHLY recommend it. Refractometers are Much more accurate than hydrometers, and it will help you in the long run.


Active Member
Originally Posted by atlantis16
i am also planning a similar tank
Sweet!! Way to jump on the bandwagon!! Nano's are fuuun


Active Member
I'd get a nice Goby/pistol shrimp pair. They look really nice in a small cube and the Goby has ton's of personality. I just bought a Tomiyama Shrimp Goby paired up with a Pistol. Our LFS went out of business and he had them in a nano.


Thanks for the help guys! Its a good thing you can buy water in 5 gallon buckets! Also whats the differance between a refractometer and a hydrometer? Whats the cost differance? Thanks because I only plan on spending 500 dollars or so for everthing this year, that is......if my parents will let me get one started up, but their giving in! Oh, with the biocube, does it produce a high level of flow? If so should I get a nano powerhead? Thanks guys!


Is 45lbs of live rock too much for a 14 gallon? I'd say so, but I can get it for 90 dollars! So should I get the biocube 29 instead? Also is the lighting on the biocube 29 an adaquent amount of light for corals and anemones? And is saltwater smelly and messy, thats what my parents are concerned about! So could you prove them wronge for me! Thanks guys!


Active Member
You are definitely going to be better off with the larger cube. The smaller you have, the harder it is to keep stable. 45lbs of LR in 14 is a LOT!


Cool! I'll get the biocube 29 gallon then, it will require a stand but who cares, so now i'm looking a 650 or so! If you guys dont mined, how much is yearly cost for a biocube including filters, RO water, new corals, ect. Is it around 200 or so? Thats what a I plan on!


Active Member
If you don't have your own RO/DI filter, buying RO salt from a store will run you about $150/yr if you do a 15-20% water change every 2 weeks. I'm not sure what RO water costs, but RO salt in most places in NC is $1.25/gallon.
You need to calculate the cost of salt, RO water, food, filters etc so I'm saying $200 is probably not going to cut it or is very close. That doesn't include fish or corals.


Cool, i'd say 350? Not a problem, but i'd like to get many video games for my wii and xbox 360, but i'd rather put money down on the aquarium than video games, because once I complete a game it never ussaly gets played again, unlike the SWF!