In-wall aquariums


I was wondering if some of you with in-wall aquariums could post picts in this thread and maybe tell a little about the set-up within the wall. How you feed the fish, how much room is within the wall for equipment, maintenance. How much it cost you to build. Etc.
I have a wall that would be PERFECT, putting one side of the aquarium in the family room and the other in my office, but was wondering the pros and cons.
It would take a little build-out on my part, but the wall is not a load bearing wall so I could do just about anything with it that I needed to, and I have friends that would be glad to help take on the project.
I feel there is nothing cooler than an in-wall aquarium!:D


Active Member
There is a post in the equipment and diy section you should check out. It will help you out.


Rear wall removed for doors tank framed with dry wall I have 3' to walk in the entire length of the tanl in the fish/ sump room


Lighting arrangement over tank. lights are on block and tackle so I can get bbove tan for maintenance or what ever. the picture doesn't show it but I have 10' from floor to ceiling which gives me about 3' to play with above the tank


120 g sump sits below frame work of main tank. This is the one place I wish I had more room but it is workable


The finished product, and by the way my neighbor (the carpenter that built this) is willing to travel where ever to install one.


What did you do to make the tank flush with the wall so that there aren't any cracks where it would just look like the tank has been pushed up against the wall.


Here is one I did in my living room and office. I just finished the sheetrock off in the front and pushed the tank in to the sheetrock edge.