In what order should I add


I've been putting together my fish selection for my 180 gallon tank, but I want to see in what order I should introduce them ? I know that the Trigger and the Angel will be the last to be added, so here is the other choices.

1. Volition Lionfish
2. Sailfin Tang
3. Flame Hawkfish - Maybe

and I'm open for suggestions for additions.


Well-Known Member
Lion would eat the hawk. A full grown lion will push 15" I wouldn't trust it w Dwarf angle sized fish or smaller


Cool I didn't think so that's why I said maybe on the Hawkfish but in what order should I add my selection ?


Well-Known Member
Really doesn't matter. Generally tangs last,but I wouldn't think they would bother a lion


Well-Known Member
If it were me I'd add the lion first to make sure it is eating prepared foods well before the Angel.