in your opinion... could i fit a 6th fish in a 40 gallon?


i have 2 firefish, 2 false percs, and one royal gramma... in a 40 high with a ton of ledges and hiding places...
i have a protein skimmer, 2 powerheads, and a whisper 3 moving over 1000 gallons per hour (probably quite a bit over 1000).
i do weekly 5 gallon water changes.
would i be pushing it???
FYI all my fish are smallish, typical new buys at the LFS.
i'm not necessarily thinking of adding anything specific, maybe a 3rd firefish, maybe a yellow watchman.


Sounds like you have an awesome tank. Personally, I would stop while I was ahead however (even though youre housing smaller species). Dont want to push that bioload too much further. If you listen to certain folks here, theyll tell you one inch of fish per 5 gallons (which gives you 8 inches total). I think your current stock will be fine considering your high turnover and filtration though.